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Okay I just watched S3 E1 and I'm living for all of it. This is the result.

Also, I didn't listen to anything while writing this one but if you want to try and find an ambiance that fits, go for it!


I sit patiently, tapping my fingers lightly on my arm and glancing around mindlessly. I tuned out the shouting and screams a while ago, quite used to it. It's a big place, I understand, but it still shouldn't take this long for him to get here.

I hear the sound of footsteps and a moment later two police officers drag a stripe-clad inmate into the room. He sits across the table, obediently placing his cuffed wrists on it so one of the men has an easier time securing the chain.

"You have five minutes," he says, closing the chain-linked door behind him.

I smile a bit, watching the glasses-clad friend glance down at the cuffs with disdain.

"Did you try to escape again?"

He purses his lips. "Sorry."

I shrug. "Less time we get to spend together. More chance of you getting out of this hell hole."

He chuckles a bit, shifting in his seat.

"How are you?"

He doesn't meet my eyes. "Been better."

I nod. "Anything I can do?"

He meets my gaze. "You're doing enough; visiting me."

"It's the least I can do, Ed."

He frowns. "You'll be the first one they interrogate if I get out of here."

"I know."

"Then why do this? Especially since you know what I did?"

I smile a bit. "I know what they told me, Ed."

He is silent.

"Honestly, this is Gotham. If I didn't expect my best friend to murder someone I probably wouldn't be able to live here."

Ed lets out a quiet laugh, but it doesn't have any happiness in it.

I decide to change the subject. "What's your fun fact of the day?"

He hums. "Putting a bunch of lunatics together in one building is a recipe for disaster."

"Yeah?" I laugh. "Never would've guessed that.

He lets out a dry chuckle, but doesn't say anything else. He looks tired, and a bit thinner. I can't imagine the food here is any good.

"When you get out of here I expect at least a brief visit." I state, crossing my arms.

Ed shakes his head. "You'll get in trouble for harboring a criminal."

I shrug. "Everyone in Gotham is a criminal."

He laughs, but leans forward a bit with a more serious look crossing his face. "I won't get you into trouble. But I'll come by if I think it's safe."

I smile. "That's all I expect."

A rattle sounds from the door. "One more minute. Wrap it up."

I roll my eyes and he looks amused at that.

"Oh!" He seems to remember something. "Mr. Penguin got me a sweater."

I stifle a laugh, both at the situation and at Edward's insistance on being formal with Oswald. "Yeah?"

He glares a bit and I attempt to calm down, still smiling.

"I was hoping you could keep it for me? They won't let me have it in my cell."

I nod. "Of course, Ed. I assume it's at the front desk?"

"I told the guard to let them know you could take it."

"Alright, time's up."

The door opens again with a rattle and I stand, giving Ed a reassuring look.

"See you soon. Don't go crazy in here."

He lets out a short laugh. "Too late for that." His cuffs are detached from the table and he leaves, giving me one last smile before he's whisked out the door. I sigh, leaving through the opposite exit and making my way to the front desk.

The sweater is quite adorable. I tell the clerk thank you and drape it over my arm, heading out of the building. The ride back to the precinct is lonely, I find myself missing Ed more and more as I realize I don't really talk to anyone else there.

It's only when I get back to the station that I realize; Ed didn't ask even one riddle while I was there.


My son deserves happiness. Too bad he murders people.

I want to create an antagonistic main character, but at the same time the Romeo and Juliet parallel with the reader working for the GCPD and Edward being a notorious criminal is incredibly enticing. I'm not going anywhere with these random snippets, but it's fun to brainstorm.

I'm still taking requests!

Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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Edward Nygma (Gotham)/Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now