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Quest to find adorable picture of Ed: successful!

So I received an idea from @MissVicSparda233 to write about Ed and the reader going through Scaremare. This Halloween event is hosted in Lynchburg, VA and is a yearly tradition. Since I have never gone, I did quite a bit of research on this before I began writing this oneshot, so apologies if anything is horribly inaccurate, also that I'm a bit late for Halloween. (Any religious things that I put in here are off the top of my head, please correct me if I screw something up.)

I hope, MissVicSparda, that I do your idea justice! To everyone: please enjoy.



- Crowded Bus [CB]:

- No Ambiance [NA] [na] [na] [na] [na] [na] [na] [na] [na] [Batmaaan]

- Music [M]: (right click on the video to loop it, I would also suggest listening to it at 0.75 speed.)



You and Ed had been planning a trip to Virginia for a while now, just as a break from the craziness of the precinct. You had matched up our vacation days with careful planning and took our leave the week of Halloween.

The bus is fairly quiet all the way there, so you pass the time by playing some word games.

"Twelve across is Judas."

You glance at the hint: "betrayer of Christ," before nodding enthusiastically and writing it down. "Nice job."

He shrugs. "I don't understand why you insisted on getting the bible-themed crossword."

You laugh, tapping the page absentmindedly with my pencil and scanning the clues again. "You'd breeze through other crosswords. This is a topic you know less about."

Ed grumbles, but you can see he's slightly pleased that you'd chosen a more challenging topic. You'd been worried he'd be bored on the way there; he needs something to do all the time. Consequently, you'd picked up some bible-themed puzzle books from the drugstore by the bus stop before you left.

"We're going to an event where religion is involved," you say, writing another word down. "You could learn something new!"

He shrugs, glancing down at the paper. "Sixteen down is Abraham."

You shake your head, writing the name down with amusement. "It'll be fun Eddie, you'll see."

He shrugs again and continues to look over the hints, mulling them over in his head.

You had just barely managed to convince him to come with you to Scaremare, an annual event in a town near where you two would be staying. You know he's not a huge fan of haunted houses  or much of the sort(you're certain it's because he wants to act cool but gets scared instead) but you're a fanatic, so you finally convinced him to come along. You're hoping to learn something about religion too.

You know Edward is an atheist, however you also know that he loves learning, and religion is the one thing he doesn't know about.

"Twenty-four across is Babel."

Okay, doesn't know the most about.

"You're good at this."

He gives you a look that says 'obviously'  but you can tell he's proud of himself for overcoming your expectations.

After a few more words and then getting stuck, you decide to move onto a different game. It's still a long ride.


Edward Nygma (Gotham)/Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now