Part 13 - Flying with a child -

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- Shall we speed up? - You sure? She asks nervously. - Luna? You up for it?
"Of course." - Luna says it's fine to fly faster. Meri nods.
- Then it's okay. She says and we speed up.
- Keep up you two! I yell to Snow and Thunder and they catch up with us. I see a little island and we land. - Why did we land? Meri asks.

- So we can switch dragons and so they can have a break. She jumps around and I smile and sit down close to Luna, getting flashbacks from when I was that age.

~Flashback 8 years ago~
- Dad! I yell excited and watch him land on the ground. He pats Toothless, the only known night fury before I jump on him and he spins me around and hugs me. - Baby girl, how are you? - I'm good! I say happy and he chuckles. - How was the hunt? My mother asks.
- We got the amount that we needed, we're all gonna survive the winter. My mother nods happy and takes me. - It's late baby, it's bedtime for you now. - But dad just came home! I say stubbornly and she sighs.

- I'm gonna be here tomorrow too, we can go and fly with Toothless and go on a little adventure. I grin widely and nod.
- Now she is not going to sleep Hiccup! My mother says annoyed. My father laughs and kisses her on the cheek. I wave to my father when she takes me inside the house and to the bedroom.

I wake up by myself and go out of the room.
- Mom? I ask and she flinches. - Avira, up already? I nod and go down the stairs and see my dad. - Dad! I say and he smiles and lifts me up. - Can we go and fly with Toothless now? He nods. - Yes, but you need to eat first. I pout when he puts me in my chair. I feel an empty feeling but I don't understand why. I get food and eat it, when I'm finished I get put on other clothes and my father carries me on to Toothless before jumping on himself and taking of.
~Flashback over~

I come back with a shock and I look around a little confused. "Something wrong?" Luna asks. - I just had a flashback to when i was was strange.. they all look at me confused.
- I'm fine, nothing to worry about. I say before paying attention to Meri. - Meri, shall we go back? I ask and she runs to me. - Who do you want to fly now? - Can we fly Thunder? I look at him and he nods slightly. I put her on him before jumping on myself and we fly back to the village.

Meri jumps down to her mother and is ecstatic and I smile, remembering the first time I flew on a dragon. - Was it fun Meri? - Yes! Her dragons are amazing! "Of course we are, I'm at least." I snort when he says that and smile a little. - Well, I need to get home, we are all really tired. I say and Mariah nods. - Of course dear, thank you for taking my daughter out for a fly, she has been wanting to do that since she was five years.. - I know the feeling, I always want to go and fly, sadly I can't, I don't want my dragons to get exhausted either. She nods and chuckles. - Say goodbye now Meri.

- Byee! She says and hugs the dragons one last time before we fly up and home.

We get home safely and I give them all food and make food to myself, remembering that I haven't eaten good in three days. We all eat together and just having fun.

~ One week later ~
I notice a letter fall from the sky and take it and read it.
Can we talk?..
~ Elijah
- You got some nerve coming back to my island after last time. I say, knowing that he is here, and I'm right. I turn to look at him on the roof of my house. I sigh. - Why are you here? I don't want to see or talk to you. He jumps down and doesn't dare to look at me. - I know what I did was wrong.. but you don't understand.

- No I don't, I thought you liked me, apparently that was only a lie and you just..used me. I hiss a little bit and shake my head. - I like you! He yells at me and I snort and clench my fists.
- You don't know what love is, just like my father, and now I kindly ask you to leave, before my dragons come back and kill you.
- You want war with my village? - They would never find out who killed you, I know how to hide a body. I smirk when he gets big frightened eyes. - You seriously are threatening me? He asks and I put my hand on my hip.

- Take that as you want, I would say that was only a warning, you don't want me to threaten you for real. He clenches his fist and comes closer, looking down at my eyes. I feel my heart beat fast. - You shouldn't mess with me Avira, you don't know what my village would do. I laugh and put my hand on his chest and push him away.

- I know how to fight, I may be alone but I'm still strong, now get away from this island and don't you dare come back. - I'm not going anywhere. I hiss. - Why not? You don't like me, my father set you up so he could get information about me, too bad it didn't work like planned. - I didn't think I would get real feelings for you, I'm serious.. I snort and he takes my hand but I take it fast back to me.
- You don't like me, you only know how to use girls, it's not weird that you don't have anyone yet.

"What is he doing here?" I hear Luna and she lands behind me. - He was about to leave. I say and she comes up to me and looks at him with angry eyes. - No, I need to talk to you, please! He begs and I roll my eyes. "Can I kill him?" She asks and I sigh. - You better be happy that I let you live, but that is if you leave my home, Thunder and Snow is not going to let you live if they find out or see you here. - But! I hear roars and I close my eyes. "Does he have a death wish? My children are going to kill him."

- You can't stop them? I ask her.
" They care about you, if someone is hurting you they do everything they can to get them killed."
I nod. - You better go. I say and look at him and hear them land. - You think I'm afraid of them? "He should be." Thunder says and I flinch, didn't realize that they had come closer. I look at him and he snorts. Snow hisses when Elijah looks at her. - Why are they like that? He asks and I burst out into laughter.

- Why they are like that? They protect me and knows that you are a threat, they want you dead, just like I do. I say, anger in my voice. He backs up a little. - Why can't you let me explain? You really are that stubborn? He asks and looks at me with watery eyes and I roll my eyes. - I know that even if you explained, I still would want you dead, it's just how it is, betray me once and you are on my death list, even after explaining. He looks down at his feet.

~ Thunder ~
"Mom." I say and she shakes her head.
"If she tells you too, then you can."
"But.." "Thunder, listen to mom." Snow says and I hiss and watch my rider and that devil of a boy talking. /Imma kill him, just you wait../
~ Back to Avira ~
- I don't want to hear any of your bullshit anymore, go or I'll just let Thunder and Snow blast you up, the village will never know the real murder. I say, smirking a little.
- Fine, but just so you know.. I never meant to hurt your feelings.. - But you still did by betraying my trust, you and Hiccup can't be trusted. He closes his eyes before jumping on Striker that had come to get him. We all watch him go.

- Don't look at me like that.. I know that I should've let you kill him, I just didn't know if it was safe, his father is a village chief..
"Your father is too." - Hiccup is not my father anymore remember? He doesn't want me as his daughter, I'm alone with you guys. They look at me with small eyes. - Not that I'm complaining! I say fast and they laugh a little. I hug them tightly, and they lick me and I feel shivers down my back and laugh.

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