'...tangled affair ...dumplings'

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One fine day at YuZhou kitchen.

"Yu, what are we cooking today?"

JingYu's stretch out hands suspends from grabbing a frying pan hanging above the counter stove.

Slowly he turn his head to his beloved Meowbabe, "Baby, aren't U doin' some song composing for your new album?"

"Yeah, I'm done with some." ZhouZhou's busy looking over the ingredients, not aware of how JingYu rub his nape while sighing. Remembering some messy incidences every time ZhouZhou lend a hand in their kitchen.

"I want to help U cook." ZZ smile so sweetly, looking so adorable. He looks like an excited kid ready to play with his daddy.

JingYu chuckles, scratching his not really itchy "military cut hair" head.

"Zhou babe, I'm fine here. I can do it all myself. Go, watch TV, take a nap or water the plants. I'll call U when foods are ready."

"No, it's okay. I wanna help U." ZhouZhou insists. "And we have no plants to water, Yu. There are only flowers in the vase."

"But.." JingYu's thinking of other things to make ZhouZhou out of the kitchen.

ZhouZhou pouts.

"Oh crap! stop pouting! ...I just want U to rest." JingYu pinch his Meowbabe's cheeks.

ZhouZhou pouts harder. 

JingYu rub his one hand around his own head and his other hand is on his waist.

"Baby, U know how much I love U.. That I'd do anything for U, with U.. I'll always be here for U.. We'll spend all the time and chances we have together.. but..," JingYu breath out, "can we make an exception.. just this once?" JingYu breath out again, "...can U leave the kitchen and all the cooking to me?"

ZhouZhou pouts a little bit more harder.

"Can U not make that face?" JingYu glare at his Meowbabe, hands are now at both sides of his waist.

ZhouZhou pouts a little bit more more harder.

"Oh fuck! ZhouZhou! Seriously?' JingYu throws his hands on the air.

ZhouZhou bow his head, hiding his smile to his big fool.

"Okay! Okay! I'll let U help." JingYu lift his Meowbabe's chin up and peck on his lips. "U do the dumplings, I'll cook the rest."

"'Yey! dumplings!" ZhouZhou claps his hand, beaming with joy like a kid.

ZhouZhou's dumpling making 101.

"Knead the dough first, then roll it. Cut some portion enough size for a dumpling. Roll it with a roller to flatten then stuff it with fillings like ground meat, shrimps, hot strips, or whatever U like to stuff your dumplings with." 

JingYu patiently instructs his Meowbabe on dumpling making. He thought that its way better for ZhouZhou, 'coz its much easier and less complicated than other dishes. And the kitchen is fire-safe.

And JingYu knew that ZhouZhou won't take cooking seriously. That ZhouZhou's just messing around. Like he's just playing with a "Play-Doh" clays. So he let his baby play.

Well, truth be told. JingYu never fail about ZhouZhou not being serious in cooking.

ZhouZhou kneads, rolls, twists, wrings and strectch the dough playfully. Like he was making noodles not dumplings.

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