Chapter 14

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Warning: Strong Language, mention of death, alcohol, drugs, kidnapping

" Brother!"

Darryl dipped his head respectfully, overly aware of the royals seated at the table in front of him. His older brother sat at the head with his third cup of rum. Ever since he'd gone sailing with the kingdom's fleet a few years ago, he'd been addicted to the stuff. His mother, to say the least, was not pleased.

" You summoned me, Your Highness," Darryl answered in an overly formal tone. Had it been just a one-on-one with his sibling, he would've been using a few more choice words than he was at the moment.

His brother nodded and gestured for him to sit by their mother at the other end of the table. When he was sitting, the older man chuckled, " You move like an oaf with that cast, Brother!"

Darryl tensed up, as did his mother. Both of them heard the slight slurring in his words. The two exchanged glances. The older brother called out suddenly, " Lumboc!"

A young boy rushed into the room. His blonde hair was slicked back and his face made him seem too youthful to work any job. And yet, he was the King's esteemed personal servant. Darryl had never spoken to him in person, but both Mega and Zelk were friends with him. Despite his age, he was a very hard worker.

Lumboc, of course, was not his real name. The King referred to him as that due to his accent, which was heard most commonly in a little island country called Lumboc. The blonde's name was actually Noa, but he'd never heard the King say it. The older man waved a hand in his younger brother's direction lazily.

" Cut his cast off."

Darryl jumped to his feet, knocking over his chair in the process. He slammed his good hand down on the table. All eyes were on him, and Noa glanced nervously between the two presences in the room. The King raised his eyebrow, aware even when half-drunk that his brother was challenging him.

They stared, the tension thick enough to cut. Their mother climbed to her feet, more quietly than her youngest son had. The older woman cleared her throat. " Calm down, boys."

" Your Highness, your brother's arm is still in critical condition," the old queen said. " You will not remove his cast."

" Fine," the King pouted, like a child despite his status. The royals around the table stared at their feet, pretending they'd never seen the exchange. " Lumboc, go fetch a cup of rum for my brother."

The little boy scampered off, but the queen scoffed at the order. Darryl fixed his seat and sat back down. He put a hand over his old mother's and shook his head, silently telling her to let it go. As she sunk back into her chair, she mouthed a quick, " Don't drink it."

The younger son nodded. They both knew his brother liked the hard liquor, and no member of the royal family was good at holding alcohol of that level. It simply wasn't in their blood.

     The servant returned and set the mug down in front of the brunette, who crinkled his nose, causing his brother to scoff. The old queen sensed the rise in tension, and demanded the dinner guests leave immediately.

The room was cleared in an instant, besides the few servants and guards lingering around, that the queen quickly ushered away. The King slammed his fist down on the table. " Do you exist to anger me, Brother?"

" You summoned me here, do not waste my time with your games," the younger growled, losing his patience just as quickly.

The old queen massaged her temples as the King responded, " My summon was to congratulate you for a job well done, and to wish you the best in your recovery."

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