Chapter 13

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Warning: Strong language, mention of orphans, mention of death, gore

     Zak's back pressed against the tree and his legs were pulled up to his chest. Darryl stood before him, fists clenched and arm in a cast by his side. " I told you."

     The younger boy shook his head in disbelief. He blinked, as if this were just a dream he could escape from. Darryl knelt down in front of him without warning, and Zak flinched. The taller boy sighed, his face softening slightly. " I told you I was a bad person, Zak."

     " You never told me you-!" Zak's voice broke before he could finish his sentence, but the brunette could fill in the blank. " I had no idea."

     " You're the only one who knows," Darryl whispered as he ran a hand through his hair. " I shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry."

    " It was you," Zak croaked out. " You were the one you murdered that countess.... right?"

     The brunette sat down next to the other boy. He had a knot in his throat and guilt in his heart. It was a mistake to tell him anything, but he had. And now he owed it to him to answer his questions. Darryl was done keeping secrets, they ate away at him on the inside. Zak repeated his question, louder this time, " You killed the countess, didn't you? That day you were especially upset, that was why, right?"

    Darryl nodded solemnly. A noise that almost sounded like a cry escaped the other boy. He covered his face with his hands. The assassin wanted nothing more than the comfort him, but he knew he could only make it worse.

     Zak was silent for a long time, but Darryl could see his shoulders shaking. A small, selfish, voice spoke to him, whispering that it was Darryl that was supposed to be upset. Harvey died because of him! Not Zak! But he repressed those thoughts, knowing they were only the byproduct of his anger.

     Minutes passed, and now Zak stared at the horizon, eyes glazed over. Darryl looked at him and for a second, he saw Harvey's body. He jumped and fell backwards, rubbing his eyes. When he was back to reality, Zak was staring at him, worried. " Are you okay?!"

     "... I should be the one asking that," Darryl whispered, scared the vision would come back if he spoke too loudly. Zak flinched, and the brunette feared he had pulled back again. " Are you okay? I shouldn't have told you! I'm a monster, I'm sorry."

     " No."

     " What?" Darryl's eyes widened.

     " No, I'm not okay," Zak responded, sounding calm to a strange degree. " I think this is the most not-okay I've ever been."

     Darryl looked away, unable to keep looking at his friend in pain. Here it came. He was about to lose another one. But that was fine. At least this one wouldn't go at the tip of his blade. He heard the other boy take a deep breath. " But I know you're not a monster."

     The brunette's head whipped around. Zak was smiling weakly, trying his very best despite the shock still lingering in his eyes. " Before you were a killer, you were my friend. I've said it once and I'll say it again: Nothing you say will ever change my opinion of you."

     The raven-haired boy, so small and fragile, opened his arms to the murderer, and choked out a little laugh. " Now, why don't you settle down and tell me what's got you so worked up."


     Darryl could hardly believe his luck. Zak was asleep on his shoulder after a long ranting session from both of them. The chef was surprised to hear that the younger boy was already getting pressure from his parents to get married. The brunette could sympathize. If it weren't for his role as an assassin, his mother would be pushing for the same thing.

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