chapter 17 :)

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y/n pov:

We were in the cabin and I was explaining the horrific event that had just happened to me. "He said he was building something. And it was all for us two." I said montioning to El and I. "Building something.... is he talking about the flayed?" Max asks. "He must be." Nancy says. "So, he's building an army, just like we thought." Lucas says. "Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread." Mike adds on. "He's building it to stop y/n and Eleven." Will says. "2 years ago y/n had opened the gate, and eleven made it even more open, and then last year eleven closed the gate on him, while y/n got a piece of him out of will. And I have a feeling that really pissed him off." Mike says. "Like, roally." Lucas says. "And the mind flayer now know's that they are the only thing that can stop him." Mike says. "But if
Y/n and El are out of the way--" mike started. "Game over." Lucas says. I sigh. "He also said he was gonna kill all of you." I added. Will and Mike look shook. "Yeah, well, that's nice." Max says. Nancy walk to the window. "Do you guys hear that?" Nancy asks. I sit up. "It's just the fireworks." Jonathan says. "Billy... when he told you this, it was here, in this room?" Nancy asks. I nodd. "He knows we're here." Will says. I look towards him. We all run out of the cabin to see. There was trees rustling. And I could see a silhouette of the mind flayer...
I then got extremely worried and scared.

Nancy grabs a gun, jonathan grabs an axe. Mike and Lucas put a table to the window. Max puts a board to the window and will and I move a shelf infront of a door. Lucas closes another door. And I use my powers to close another one as well. I help nancy and jonathan to put a couch to the doorway. "Hey! Get away from the windows!" Nancy yells at us. We all are together in a circle. Wondering where it is. Then plates, and then the lamp starts to move. I start to gasp for air. "It's close." Will says. Then we look to a higher window and see trees rustling. This start to fall and things get shakey. Then the lights start to flash. "Where'd it go?" Max asks. Al of a sudden an arm of the mind flayers bashed right through the wall. We all move away. And jonathan cuts it with the axe. The creature shrieks. And he does it again. Then it pushes Jonathan into the book shelf. Then it starts to go to Jonathan's face when Nancy started shooting it with a gun. Nancy stayed back at the wall as it was about to attach itself to her face eleven stopped it with her powers. Then she broke off its head ish thing I'm guessing. Then the other piece went straight back outside. "Holy shit." Max says and just then one went straight throw the wall above Max's head. I stopped it with my powers. Then another one came through and I stopped it both my arms were out and I used all my power and broke their heads off and yelled. I started to breathe heavily as I was getting tired. Then right behind me another one came through and grabbed my leg swiped me off my feet. I screamed and I tried to handle the run but will grabbed my hand so I wouldn't get taken away. "Y/n!" Will says. I scream as I'm literally about to die. Eleven trys to use her powers but shes too weak and the mind flayers too strong. I scream because of the pain in my leg. Eleven, max, and jonathan help and pull me down as well. I can feel that I'm literally so close in the mind flayers mouth. Then mike joins as well. "Pull!" Mike yells. "Nancy, shoot it!" Jonathan yells. It gets harder and I'm literally about to die. I scream like I never have before. And I start to cry. Nancy shoots it. Then agaib. And again and the grip gets looser. "Lucas! Come on!" Max yells. Lucas picks up the axe yells and hits the mind flayer once. Then a second time. Ans nancy keeps shooting it. Everyone is trying to get me away and I'm screaming. Lucas keeps hitting it and Nancy keeps shooting it. "Pull!" Max yells then nancy shoot one more time and Lucas hits it and it let's go and I fall onto everybody. I fall into wills arms. "Y/n! Y/n! You okay?" He asks moving my hair to see my hurt and cryful face. I nodd in weakness. I can only feel the pain in my leg and it hurts so bad. Mike takes it off with full force. And shit did that fucking hurt. I scream in pain. I'm heavily breathing to the point where I'm just gonna pass out. When I see the mind flayer in the entrance. I stand up barely not being able to feel my leg because of the pain. Slowly walk toward it. I yell and use my powers to make it go back then rip it in half. I fall back into elevens arms. "Go, go, go!" Nancy yells. "Come on come on go!" Jonathan yells. "Go!" Nancy yells at us. "Hurey up! Come on!" Jonathan says. Eleven helped me out the door and into the car. The creature roars. I wail In pain as I'm in wills arms. " drive!" Will yells. "Drive!" Mike yells.

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