chapter 10 :)

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Y/n pov:
Mike started walking up to eleven.
"Eleven?" Mike asked. "Mike" eleven said. They embrace into a hug. "Is that?" Max asked. Lucas nodded. "I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-" mile said but eleven said "353 days" eleven said. They were both crying. " I heard" eleven said. "Why didn't you tell me you were there? They you were ok?" Mike asked. "Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper said stepping forward.  "The hell is this? Where you been?" Hopper asked. "Where have you been?" Eleven said. Then hopper pushed her into a huh with him. "You've been hiding her." Mike said. "You been hiding her this whole time!" Mike said then pushed hoppers back. "Hey! Let's talk. Alone. Eleven then turned to me. She started to tear up and so did I. "Y/n" eleven said. "Eleven." I say. And then we embrace into a hug. "I've miss you eleven." I say to her. She brings out mu necklace , I could never forget you y/n." Eleven said. I nodded. She then went to Dustin and Lucas and I went to wills room and just sat beside him. I then heard mike yelling and crying.
Ok wow damn what the hell. Then joyce and eleven walk in. To see will.  "Hes not doing well." Joyce says. "I know. I saw" Eleven said.
"What else did you see?" I ask her. She looked at me. Then led joyce and I to the paper with closegate on it. "You opened this gate before, right?" Joyce asked. "Yes." Eleven said. Then everyone gathered around. "Do you think if we got you back there, that you could close it?" I ask.

"Its not like it was before. Its grown. A lot
And , I am that's considering we can get in there. That place is crawling with dog."Hopper said. "Demo-dogs" Dustin said. "I'm sorry, what ?" Hopper said. " I said, uh? Demo-dogs. Like demogorgan and dogs
You put them together, sounds pretty badass." Dustin said. "How is this important right now?" Hopper asks. "Its not. I'm sorry." Dustin says. "I can do it." Eleven said. "You're not hearing me." Hopper says. "I'm hearing you. I can do it" eleven said. "Ok well, even if el can, theres still another problem. If the brain dies, the body die." I said. " I thought that was the whole point." Max said. "It is, bit if we're really right about this... I mean, if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer army... " I say. "Wills apart of that army" lucas adds. "Closing the gate, will kill him." Mike said. Joyce led all of us into the room will was in. "He likes it cold." I say. "What?" Hopper asks. "Its what will kept saying to joyce and I, he likes it cold." I say heading to the window. And closes it. "We keep giving it what it wants" I say.  " if this I'd a virus, and Wills the host, then..." Nancy started. "We need to make the host uninhabitable " jonathan said. "So if he likes the cold. " joyce started. "We need to burn it out of him" I say tearing up. I dont wanna see him in pain. "We have to do it somewhere  he doesnt know this time" Mike said. "Yeah, somewhere far away." Dustim said. I carried will into the car. I sat him on top of me. I hear hopper telling jonathan where to go. "Take renfield, then you'll see a large oak tree. You are gonna swing a right that road is gonna lead to a dead-end. And it's about a five minute walk from there." I overheard hopper say.

Joyce and Jonathan, and Nancy get in the car as well.
Jonathan, joyce, Nancy, and I are waiting I'm the Heat, I dont feel hot because of my powers so I'm not sweating to everyone its really hot. We're waiting for will to wake up. Will Wakes up. Oh no. He is chained with rope wo he camt move he struggles to move. "What's happening?" Will asked "its hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! " will screams. Omg no Will...
Joyce looks at me. And will statys saying "let me go! " and "it hurts " over a million of times. Then I could see joyce get angry and turn up the heaters. Its bob. She is angry that the mind flayer took him away from her. "Joyce!" I say. "NO!" Joyce yells as she turns up all the heaters. I start to get extremely worried I hate seeing Will like this. He statys screaming and Jonathan, hugs Nancy . Jonathan cant watch it anymore. I start will . He statys screaming at the top of his lungs. Will statts getting heat rashes and what the hell. "Ots not working, it's not working. Mom are you listening to me? Jonathon said. "Just wait!" Joyce says. "How much longer?" Jonathan asks. Will is just screams. "Oh god!" I say. "Jonathan just wait!" Joyce yelled. "You're killing him!" Jonathan yelled. " just wait" joyce said. Will looks like he is in so much pain . Oh my god. Joyce and Jonathon are fighting over the heater. "Jonathon! Jonathan!" Nancy yelled "his neck ! His neck!" I say. His neck starts bulging with huge black veins. Wtf?
Will statts screaming I'm a demonic voice and the viens travel from his neck to his face. Then the lights flicker and he installs his arm from one of the ropes and tries to unlock the other. I then go to the rope and try to get the his arm away.."y/n!" Jonathan yelled. "" I say then will grips my neck and chocks me. I can hardly breathe. I'm trying to get his hand away from me and if I use ice it will melt and I'm already too weak to use my powers. I'm checking and jonathan is trying to help me when will is just screams demonically. Nancy grabs the hot pin thimg from the fire and puts it to the side. Will let's go. I gasp for air and fall down I quickly get up. Then we all are stunned and Will starts shrieking . He screams and a bunch of black air swirling at rapid speed keeps going out of him. OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!
it smashes right out the door. Nancy goes outside to see where it went. Jonathon unplug everything. I run up to Will. I start to untie everything . "Will." I say. "Will."will?" I ask him. He doesnt move." Will baby!" Joyce says. I start to shake him calling his name. "Come on buddy " jonathan says. " will please" I say. "Please, can you hear me?"  joyce says. I continue to shake him. "Come will please." I say. No he cant be dead PLEASE GOD PLEASE! Will open his eyes.  I gasp "will!" I say. And I smile while crying. "Y/n?" Will asks . Will sits up and hugs me like I haven't since him in 30 years he cries into my shoulder. Everyone else then joins. Then the light brightness so bright . We all look at it.
Will is back.

[Time skip to one month later]

Over the months will and I haven't gotten even closer I think I have feelings for him sorry I know so. I've been with him all the time and my living situation is, hopper adopted el and I so we are legally sisters.

[ time skip to the snowball]

I wasn't aloud to go to wills because I was to meet with the party at the dance. I entered the gym, everyone was there except for el. I showed up in. (Photo above)  "oh my god your hair Dustin." I say to him chuckling. "Oh shut up asshole." Dustin said. I just laugh. Then a slow song came on. Should I dance with will ? "Max." Lucas said. She turned to Lucas "hey." Lucas said smiling. "Um, it's nice, right?" Lucas asked. "You want to..uh you wanna like ... you know.. you know like just you and me? " lucas started. "Are you trying to ask me to dance,stalker?" Max asked. Awe true love. "No,of course no, unless you want to." Lucas says. Max chuckles. "So smooth. Come on."max said leading Lucas to the dance floor. I could see the sadness I'm dutins eyes. "Hey zombie boy?" A random girl walks up to us and asks. No please don't ask him to dance I was gonna ask will. "Do you wanna dance?" She asked. My heart dropped. DAMN IT NOOO I thought to myself. "Um... I dont..." will started. "Sorry I already have a date..." will started.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME HE HAS SOMEONE. I knew he didnt like me the way I liked him. The girl left. I sighed. Welp looks like I'm dancing with no one tonight. Then will turned to me. I looked at him.
"Y/n...?" will asked. "Yes?" I asked . Is he gonna ask me to dance am I the so called 'date' he was talking about. "Do you.. uh..ok know. Just... do you wanna dance with me?" Will asked me. I smiled. "Of course will." I said. And he smiled. Looks like I was wrong I CANT BELIEVE IT! Will just asked asked me to dance with him ahhh!! I follow him into the crowd of people and he puts his hand on my waist and I hang my arms over his shoulder and move with the music. "Y/n... i- really love how you stayed with me all that time when I barely knew you." Will said. "Thank you " will added on. "I dont know I know it sounds weird but it felt like I was meant to be there with you through all costs. " I say. "Well um y/n theres something I've wanted to tell you. I- um i-
.. y/n I really like you and o was wonderin-" will started when I bashed my lips onto his. It lasts for about 20 seconds. We release the kiss. "I do too" I say smiling. Will is smiling so hard.  "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Will asked. "yes! I mean of course, yeah that cool with me" I say trying not to sound excited. "Ok great " will said. Will then hugged me and rested my head on him shoulder.

I think that we were meant to be...

<hey guys hope you enjoyed this last chapter of season 2. I will start season 3 tonight or tommrow I dont know. Well anyways see you in the next chapter bai!>

Word count- 1784 words

- Eva <3

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