chapter 5 :)

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Y/n pov:

I woke up with the sun and got ready for a school I arrive and see Will I run up to him.

" hey will!" I said, i guess I scared him cause he jumped." Oh hi y/n sorry you scared me" will said catching his breath, "oh sorry I didn't mean to" I said. "No, no its ok" he says. "mkay" I say. We walk to class and sit in our seats.

[Time skip to about half way through class]

"Phineas miraculously survived " Mr.clarke stated. "He seemed fine, and physically yes he was. But his injury resulted in a complete change in his personality, so much so that friends who knew him, started referring to him as,no long gage" mr.Clarke said.

Will looked back at Max because she was staring at him again, will then looked at me and then mouths, "why does she keep looking at me" "I dont know " I mouth he nods and turns around. I think I'm starting to I dont know like him.. NO WAIT THAT CAN'T BE HAPPENING! Oh boy.

" at the time this was known as the american crowbar case so-" mr.clarke said but got interrupted by Dustin, Bursting through the door, "I'm so sorry Mr.Clarke really I'm so sorry please continue with the class.' Dustin says out of breath walking to his seat and putting his bag down. "Dont mind me, really continue please" Dustin says finally sitting down.
"Although it wasn't a crowbar, it was a rode" mr.clarke said.
I could only wonder why Dustin just bursted through the door like that I ask myself.

Then dustin turned to the 4 boys and was talking to them. I tried to ignore it until Dustin turned to Max "AV club lunch" Dustin whispered to Max, Max just sat up in her chair. "DUSTIN!" mr.Clarke said annoyed. "Yes my Lord" Dustin said. I sorta chuckle why does he call him Lord lmao. "Care to join the class now?" Mr.Clarke asked. "Please, yes" dustin said then grabbing his textbook from his bag, "k so Phineas gage" Mr.clarke said. "Phineas gage" Dustin said back. "104" mr.Clarke said. "104" Dustin said opening his bag. "Focus" mr.Clarke said "focusing" dustin said then got his book out. "AV club lunch" Dustin says to Max, Max puts a thumbs up.
Ok then I guess I'm not invited.

I walk out of class and I'm on my way to the washroom to eat lunch because I dont like eating at the cafeteria. I was just about to turn the corner what someone grabs my wrist .. its mike. "um hi" I say. "Come with me" mike said. " umm ok" I say I follow him to the AV room. We enter.

[TIME skip to when Dusti opens the case that dart is in]

We are look in it.

" his name is Dartagnan." Dustin stated. Dustin picks up thr creature, and it makes weird noises. "Cute right?" Dustin asked. "yea kind of" I say. "Dartagnan?" Mike asked. "Dart for short" Dustin said admiring the little creature in his hands. "And he was in your trash?" Max asked. "Searchin for food" Dustin said smiling. "Wanna hold him?" Dustin asked. "No,no " max said shaking her head. "He doesnt bite don't " "no dont wanna " "worry dont worry" dustin and Max argued then Dustin put Dart in her hands. "Oh god! He's slimmy" max said then handed it over to lucas. "Ugh hes like a living buger" Lucas says handing it to Will . "Ugh ew God " will said handing it to Me. "Hmm interesting, cute " I say handing it gently to Mike. Mike examines Dart, "what is he?" Mike asks. Dustin smiles "my question exactly " Dustin says.
Dustin brings out a pile of books. "At first, I thought he was some type of pollywog." Dustin said. "Pollywog?" Max asked. "It's another word for Tadpoll" I said. "Tad poll is a level stage for toad" dustin said. "Yeah I know what a tadpole is" "alright so you know that most tadpoles are aquatic" Dustin said. "Well Dart he isnt he doesnt need water. " dustin said. "Yeah but arent there none aquatic pollywogs ?" Lucas asks. "Derestlral pollywogs" dusti says nodding. "Two to be exact" dustin said , "Indirana semipamata and Adenomera Andreae but ones from India and ones from South America, so how how did one end up In my trash?" Dustin asked and explained. "Maybe some scientists brought it here and it escaped?" Max asked. "Do you guys see that?" Mike asked. " looks like something's moving inside of it" I said. we all examine it as it makes weird noises. Then Dustin shined the light on Dart, it hissed. "AHH " everyone but Mike and I screamed , we just baked up. It started to escape. Dustin gasps then catches Dart. "Its ok I've got you little guy." Dustin says. "Theres another thing, reptiles they're cold blooded exothermic, they love heat, well Darr hates it, it hurts him" dustin said. "So, if hes not a pollywog, or a reptile." Lucas says. "Then I've discovered a new species." Dustin said smiling. I notice Will was getting anxious. Then the bell rang which scared all of us. "Hey will are you ok?" I ask. "oh yea" will said. "Max called Max called Dustin an idiot and Dustin started talking about something when I'm walking beside Will but starts walking slowly. I decided to tap his shoulder. "let's go." He said. We start walking. There is definitely something wrong with him.

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