chapter 3 :)

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y/n pov:

" Hi Max, and Y/n . I'm dustin and this is... " "Lucas." Lycas said smiling. " I know the stalkers" Max says. " Hi" I say.
"oh no, no, no, no, no, *they look at each other* actually.." lucas said motioning Dustin to finish. "We weren't stalking you we were just concerned because you are new. "Yea for your safety " Lucas says. "Mhm and There are a lot of bullies here" dustin adds on. "Yep its crazy" Lucas says. "Yea is that why you are wearing parton packs" max said I just didnt say anything. "No um actaully these dont function BUT, I do have this handy dandy trap here" Dustin says pulling it out. Max just looks confused and I'm interested. "It even opens and closing " Dustin says then it opens and closes.
"wow omg, how did you make that?" I say and look over at Max who gave me a look. "I mean um cool" I look over at Max again, she glares at me , "I mean uh, nice" I can see that Lucas and Dustin's faces saddened."it isnt cool she mouths to me. Which clearly the two can see. "Ohhh!" I say. "Well umm I'm just gonna shut up then." I say embarrassed. "Well y/n I made it out of metal and scraps." He says.I nodd.

"Well anyways you are new here so you guys probably dont have anyone to go trick or treating with." Dustin says . Lucas just smiles awkwardly. "I have y/n to go with" max says. "Ok but since you are scared of bullies it would be ok if you would come with us." Dustin says they smile. "Sure!" I say. At the same time max said "it would be ok?" Max asked. I look down. "Yeah! Our party is a democracy and the majority voted you could come" Dustin adds on. "I didnt know it was a such an honor to go trick or treating with you" max said sarcastically. " oh well max is it ok if we go" I say but she looks at me and ignores my question.
"Well yeah we know where to get the full sized Caney bars so we figured you would wanna come." Dustin said. "That presumptuous of you" Max said. "Ya.totally uh so you'll come." Dustin asks. "Yes" I say but at the same time max closes her locker and shuts it. " ok well um she will be there." I said.
"I mean you can say no, but could I come." I ask. "Yea absolutely " they say at once. "Ok when is it and where?" I ask
" we are meetings at the Maple Steer cul-de-sac at 7:00" Dustin says. "Ok we will be there" I say then walking away. "THATS 7 ON THE DOT!!" dustin yelled. I just kept walking. wait I dont have a costume...shit

[time skip to end of school]

*ring ring*

welp time to go home. I walk home alone because Max is mad at me for saying that she will go but then she said fine but she wanted to walk home alone. I decide to walk back to that cabin to get answers but ended up getting too scared so I just went home . I got home and stayed until 6 where I got up from reading my book grabbed the pillow case from my pillow and started walking to Max's house. I knocked on the door. "what do you want" an older boy opened the door and asked. "Umm I was looking for max?" I asked." MAX YOU LITTLE SHIT SOMEONES HERE FOR YOU" he yelled. She isnt a little shit. "Well I'm billy so bye" He said then slammed the door in my face. Ugh rude then a few seconds later Max opens the door and walks out ." Hey sorry about him hes my step brother." She said. "Its all good" I say. "Let go!" She yelled.

We arrive and see Dustin, Lucas, Will and Mike walking.
" max puts on her mask and scares them. I just stay behind her. "AHHH!" max yelled. They all scream. "y/n what's your costume?" Will asks me. "Um well I dont - see i- just-I dont have a costume. " I say. " why is Max here?" Mike asked. " umm excuse me I was invited and so was Y/n" Max says. "ugh ok fine." Mike says we start walking...

Mike pov:

We are walking and I can't believe Lucas and Dustin invited Max I mean y/n is fine she doesn't seem like she would take Elevens spot in the party but MAX ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Ugh.

wait is that? I look at y/n's hand and there is a 007 printed on it like eleven does. she know her? I grab y/n arm. "um hi " she said kinda confused. "Umm how come there is a 007 printed on your wrist?" I ask. "Oh well I'm not sure actually but the other day I mea- I mean uh its probably a tattoo I put on when I was younger but never took off." She says. "ok" I say we keep walking.

She has to know who eleven is I mean she was gonna say something but then didnt. Whatever.

Y/n pov:

SHIT Mike saw my 007 on my wrist , I still don't know what it means but I was sooo close into tells him about the 011 girl. Jeez I need to be careful.

I start walking again but getting distracted because the party is ahead but Will looks away and just stares at the sky then starts to walk away.

I lost the group so I decide to follow Will.

He gets pushed around by a couple teenagers. Ugh poor kid. He starts running so I follow him. He goes under a stair case and is yelling stop and has his eyes closed and ears covered. I run to him. I shake him "WILL, WILL WILL?!" I yell until he open his eyes. "Are you ok?" I ask. He just embraces me in a hug . I hug back. "I just- if I tell you can you promise not to tell anyone else. The party knows except for Max but you cant tell her. "Ok, your secret is safe with me" I say . He grabs my hand and starts walking but then he stops and looks at my hand. "007?" He asked. "uh yeah I dont really kno- " I say. "Do you know eleven? "Well umm so I saw her at a Cabin in the-" Will cut me off "SHE IS ALIVE?" "Well yeah but hopper is keeping her safe from I dont know who" I say. " well she saved me so when you see her , can you tell her thank you?" He asked. "umm sure wait save you how?" I ask "I will tell you soon, but what powers do you have?" He asked. "powers? I have powers is that why I have a 007-" I say but then I get a flashback.

Flashback starts~

"No papa, please dont make me hurt her" i say i dont want to hurt the poor cat.

" seven do it , or you will be punished. " papa said .

I took a deep breath and used my eyes to freeze the kitten then shoot a ice ball at the the cat to break her. "NOO!" I yelled.

"Good seven we will try again tommrow" papa said.

Flashback over~

"Y/n are you there?" Will says
I snap out of it. " the lab" I say " the lab ok what about it?" Will asks. "Papa he said seven " I say. "Yeah the number on your wrist" will says. "Ice" I say. "Ice powers you can do things with ice?" He asks. I try and focus but it didnt take long for me to freeze a Bush. " wow you did that with your eyes?" He asked. "I never knew I could do this I just got a memory and I never knew" I say, "eleven she has telekinesis and I have ice she is 011 and I'm 007. " I say. Memories start flooding back. "The upside down, and there was a lost boy that two people found and took back to the gate, and he was in jeans and a red vest, I had to keep fighting off the demogorgan so he wouldn't get to the boy but then I found a gate not from the lab and I ran out. I never knew who that boy was and if he is still alive" I say a tear falls down my face.

" y/n that boy was me.." will said.

" what...?" I ask.

《Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and now the relationship with will and y/n is gonna happen , and I cant wait to write more, keep reading if you wanna know what will happen next?》

Word count - 1484 words

-Eva <3

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