chapter 1

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I sit in class thinking about the new students that are coming to our school tomorrow. Their siblings so I'm guessing their gonna be nice.....I hope. "Yuki" I heard my best friend yuri call for me "oh, yes yuri" I say "class has ended" she says "WHAT" I yell making some students look at me.

I run out the class room and put on my disciplinary committee thing and run down to the gate. "Yes on time" I say proudly.  I stand trying to push all the girls back.

"Get back" I yell. I try pushing them harder....nope. I see zero standing there "zero. A l-little help please" I say "you look like you got it" he says. Suddenly a whistle blows and all the girls are in line "eh, eh *sigh* please proceed" I say and move.

As I watch the night class pass I see kaname walk over to me "hi kaname" u say "hello yuki" he says "thank you for all your all hard work" he says and pets me I blush "its all thanks to you,  I mean you saved my life that day" I say "yuko that's all in the past" he says "hey, you better hurry and get to your class" zero says "oh in so scared Mr disciplinary committee" kaname says.

After a stare down the night class continues walking. I sigh. "Really zero" I say. He looks at me then the girls "GET BACK TO YOUR DORMS" he yells scaring the girls back to their dorms. I look to where the night class went "*sigh* c'mon zero let's go" I say but see zeros already gone *sigh*.

I look around at the feeling of someone watching me. But little did I know the feeling was right.

??? POV

"So shes the girl" I ask "yes, we should go before master finds out" my partner says "ok let's go" I say and see kudan out the corner of my eye. I look and see him stareing. I wave and make a gun with my hand and make it look like I shot myself. I then smile and continue to leave.

I go back to the "lair" and walk to the masters room "where were you" he asks "getting you food" we say "let me see" he says "yes master" I say and hold a girl out. She looks nice "you can leave "he says. We soon hear moans "not that food" I say facepalming.

I go to my room and go to sleep.

Yes I know short chappie. Just to be clear. This is only short cuz its the first one. Byeeeeeee.

444 words read

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