Chapter 36

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"Why do you have it?" lily squinted her eyes at me,

"because Viel asked me to give it to you? Is this a trick question?"

"No," she squinted her eyes further, "why did she ask you to give it to me? She couldn't do it?"

"I don't know?" I slightly shrugged, "she just told me to give it back to you, she didn't explain why and I didn't question her,"

She snatched her keys laying in my hand, "I'll get to the bottom of this Lupin,"

"There's nothing to get to the bottom of Lily," I shouted across the hall as she walked away.

Man, I really hope she drops it. Oh no, what if Viel tells her? No she wouldn't, right. Right? Right! Of course she wouldn't, I'm actually not that sure.

Alright maybe I should run of and find Viel.

The hallways were pack full, students were constantly inside now that the cold was starting to set in. The end of the summer warmth, what a shame.

I struggled to get passed a group of students from Durmstrang as they manipulated all of the space.

Once I had survived the cramped corridors I entered the library hoping I would find Viel here. This was were she spent most of her time anyway.

As I expected, there she was sitting at a table with a group of her friends from Beauxbatons. There were quite a few, I recognized Viel of course along with Anastasie.

But there were two of the girls that I had never seen or heard of before. Anastasie, was actually the only girl of the 4 that didn't have blonde hair but rather dark brown. Than there was a fifth girl sitting hidden behind Viel, red fire like hair and green eyes and damnit it was Lily.

"Remus!" Viel shouted in a whisper across the library, she gestured her hand for me to walk towards her.

As I approached the group all I saw was lily's grin, hopefully just to tense.

"Hi Viel, and others," I shyly introduced myself,

Viel turned back to face her friends, "Je vous présentes Remus, c'est un de mes meilleurs amis ici, il comprends peu de français donc soyez compréhensive,"

"Hey! My French isn't that bad," I slightly huffed,

"I didn't say it was bad," Viel justified, "just that you hadn't perfected it,"

"can one really perfect a language?" I tried to argue, to which the two girls I didn't know laughed,

"he's funny," spoke the first,

"and kind of cute," added the second,

It wasn't her compliment that made me blush but more so Viel's react,

"il est pas pour toi," she quietly whispered in a serious tone, hoping most likely that I wouldn't hear, "anyway Remus," she turned towards me, "you already know Anastasie, but across the table is Blaise and Estelle,"

"Hi nice to meet you, as you already know now, I'm Remus,"

"Estelle and Blaise both speak English really well, so you don't have to worry about your mediocre freach,"

"I thought we established that it wasn't," I narrowed my eyes,

"you established that," lily chuckled,

"whatever, what are you guys even doing?" I asked curious as I looked the books laying on the table,

"trying to figure out what the next tournament is," Viel explained lightly lifting one of the books than throwing it back onto the table,

"McGonagall didn't tell you?" I questioned,

"no! I've been trying to get it out of her for days, it's impossible she reads my mind or something,"

"She isn't going to tell you, because she knows you're going to tell Anastasie," Lily suggested as a fact,

I mean it was understandable, it would give Anastasie an advantage other champions won't have. It was only fair that she had to figure it out on her own. Besides the point of this whole tournament was to test and challenge one's ability.

"right so I don't need to be here than," I begun to step away,

"you can always stay," Blaise suggested, after her previous compliment it made me a little inconfortable,

"No it's fine, I'll just talk to you later Viel, alright?"

"sure," she waved me goodbye before turning back to her books.

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