Chapter 11

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"She asked you for help?" Lilly looked at me curiously as she ate breakfast with me,

"yes? Why is that a surprise to you? she said you told her I was good at transfiguration,"

"I did but I didn't think it was because she was struggling,"


"Well, because normally she helps me with transfiguration when you can't,"

"what?" that's strange, why would she ask for my help if she was apparently very capable?

"maybe it's not really for the lessons," she smirked

"I don't get it,"

"oh Remus," she sighed, "so naïve,"

What was that supposed to mean? I didn't think I was being naive, maybe for not realizing she had good grades but, I mean that's not someone's first reaction to being asked for help, is it? No, no of course not, that's just wierd.

"Thank you, I really do appreciate it lupin," Viel smiled softly at me as I sat down next to her in the library,

"yeah no problem," I shifted in my sit to face her, "just one question before we start, alright?"

She nodded her head and waited patiently for me to speak.

"Why do you want my help exactly? I mean, Lily told me you had good grades,"

"never hurts to improve,"

"sure," I was sceptical, "but you really don't seem to need help,"

"you don't believe me do you," she lightly chuckled shaking her head,

"What, no, it's not that, I just,"

"it's fine, you're not wrong, I mean, I guess we can read each other like books,"

"what?" I was completely lost was she admitting to lieing, not needing help, what was she admitting to?

"I do actually want to improve in transfiguration, it's something I could definitely get better at. But I also just wanted an excuse to talk to you,"

"wait, you want to spend time with me?"

"yeah, I mean, I've seen you desperately try to talk to me on multiple occasions and fail. I thought I would help you, you know, give you a small push, a helping hand, a-"

"enough!" I cut her off embarrassed, "I get the idea already, besides it isn't true!"

"oh," her voice lowered as sadness seem to fill her expression, "so you don't want to talk to me,"

"No, I do, I," I paused for a second, "damnit,"

All the sadness in her face admittedly left, "I'm good at acting,"

"yeah," I sighed, "I can tell, I just experienced it first hand,"

"I know," she seemed proud of herself, "so can you help me with the assignment?"

"wait," I changed the subject once again, "no, why do you what to talk to me?"

"Well you're cool,"

I was shocked, "me? Cool?"

"considering the definition I have of cool, yes, to me, you are cool, besides I think we have a few things in common,"

"you do?"

"yes like the fact that we find the other mauraders extremely irritating but hilarious, that Lily is the best Griffyndor, that books are better than boys. We spend must of our time here in the library or down by the lake and,"

she paused a second, all the excitement in her face seemed to suddenly leave as she became more serious, "we're halfblood,"

"halfblo- no that's not correct,"

"what are you not halfblood?"

"I am, but you're not, you can't be?"

She lifted an eyebrow as she stared at me with curiosity, "really, why can't I be? Have you maybe done some research on me or you've been listening around, to see what you can catch,"

"No !" I corrected, "of course not, I would never, its none of my business,"

"yes, but curiosity doesn't tend to allow no as an answer, does it lupin. So are you going to tell me what you know and how you know it?"

I was uncomfortable how had the conversation gotten here? "it you plan all this, just, just for this?"

She frowned her eyebrows, "that's cruel, I get that I'm no angel but I'm not so insanely cruel as to put on a whole act just to ask you one question, that, honestly isn't even that important,"

"than why are you asking me in the first place?"

"because I don't want you assuming I'm someone I'm not,"

The conversation had gone silent, as we sat next to each other in complete awkwardness. This was truly horrible.

"listen," she spoke up once again, "I just don't want you seeing me as the rumors, I want you to forget absolutely everything you've heard about me,"

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