Chapter 17

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We'll see each other during the holiday's, they said. We'll write you a letter every week, they said.

Sure we saw each other but the other mauraders really suck at writing. Not one single letter, they wouldn't even send one to tell me they would come visiting, they just popped out of nowhere.

Because it was summer, most of our time was spend down at the lake that was not far from my house.

We always had fun, it was just the trip to get there that I disliked, we had to go through the forest.

What I enjoyed most were the bonfires we would have in James's backyard.

"Ok Lily truth or dare," James asked with anticipation,


"Do you like m-" Siruis quickly cut James off, "Do you know any other muggles games we could play?"

"Well," she started, "there's telephone, 2 truths 1 lie, name that tune,"

"there's alot of words with T's in these games," James added,

"hey," Viel interrupted, "he's actually right, that's really wierd,"

"okay, who did what with the chocolate, hand it over," I put my hand out, "I want to make a s'more,"

"Remus, why don't you pick a game?" Viel suggested,

"yeah you've been awfully quiet all evening," James added,

That's cause I didn't want to give the mauraders reasons to embarrass me. "Alright what about twenty questions?"

"another with a T!" James groaned,

"what's your problem with the letter T?" Lily asked,

"nothing! What's your muggle problem with T's?"

"Ok! Enough!" Viel implored them, "Why don't you start with an object you pick Remus?"

"sure give me a minute," I should up and walked inside looking for an object, than I feel upon Viel's backpack, "Alright I found something!"

Siruis jumped with excitement "Let me start! Is it bigger than my hand?"

"No, it's smaller,"

"Alright my turn," James raised his eyes to the sky as he thought, "is it something you can wear?"


"ohh, can both genders wear it?" Peter asked,

"yes, they can,"

"wait," Siruis interrupted, "what exactly can one gender not were?"

"I think he was trying to eliminate dresses, bras, and boxers," Lily explained,

"I'll wear a dress if I want to thank you very much," 

"Ok super interesting Siruis," Viel sighed, "is it a type of jewelry?"

"yes it is!"

"Oh we're getting close," Lily clapped to herself, "does this jewelry have a pendant?"


"oh," Viel raised from her sit, "it's my dragonfly necklace you gave me!"

"congratulations! Correct!"

"Gave you?" Siruis asked a bit startled,

"yeah for my birthday," Viel clarifed

Everyone except Viel and I yelled in unison, "Brithday!?"

"yeah? It was my birthday," Viel seemed confused by their reaction,

"you didn't tell us!" Lily seemed upset, "Why didn't you tell me? Sure the other mauraders I can get why,"

"hey!" James pouted,

"But why not me," lily asked once again, "I'm your best friend,"

"I know! I guess I kind of forgot,"

"you forgot about your own birthday, yet Remus somehow knows," Siruis pulled a suspicious look on his face,

"I did truly forget about it, Remus only knows because I told him when my birthday was when I gave him his birthday gift,"

"Woah to fast," James was holding onto his head as if he had a headache, "so you got Remus a gift for his birthday so you told him your birthday and he got you a gift and we just got left out on the whole gift giving thing? What is this?"

"stop being dramatic James," Viel took the necklace from my hands, "I gave you a new snitch for your birthday and I got Lily a bracelet for hers, I didn't forget about your birthday's,"

"what about me and Peter?"

"Siruis I didn't even call you by your first name let alone knew when your birthday was when it came around in November, besides I made up for that by getting you a bigger Christmas gift. As for Peter his birthday hasn't even came around yet,"

"So when is your birthday?" Lily asked,

"It was last week, the 9th of August,"

"yeah and what did you get Remus for his birthday?" Siruis mocked,

"none of your business," I butted in the conversation, "my gift, my stuff,"

"oh come on Moony! Share with your friends what miss Viel got you!" James put his hands in a praying position,

"leave him alone, so nosey," Lily hit James across the head with a small stick,

"ouch!" he groaned,

"anyways," Lily dropped the stick, "show me that necklace Viel! It looks magnificent!"

"anyways," Lily dropped the stick, "show me that necklace Viel! It looks magnificent!"

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