Chapter 1

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I was a maurader, I had been one for 5 years.
I was the 4th maurader, Moony. The other three were my best friends, wormtail, padfoot and prongs.

But we were more commonly known as Remus, Peter, Sirius and James. We attended Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry and we were well known as the troublemakers.

I never thought I would have gotten the chance to attend such a school or to have such close friends because of my " Lycanthropy" and yet 5 years down the line and here we were sitting on the Hogwarts express.

Siruis was twirling his wand between his fingers and James was playing with a golden snitch, just like he always does. Peter had left to change into his robes and I sat comfortably reading 5th years class of herbolgy.

"How much longer do you think we have till we arrive at hogwarts?" James asked without taking his eyes off of his snitch.

"Don't know," I replied "maybe just a little less than a hour,"

"that's more than enough time," grinned James finally putting away his snitch, "why don't why talk about the pranks we're going to pull this year,"

Siruis smirked "marvalous plan I think James,"

"really?" I groaned "we're not even there yet and you're already thinking about pranks,"

"Pranks are no phase Moony," Siruis dramatically exclaimed, "they are a lifetime decision that never leaves you,"

Peter quickly came barging through the door "I'm back, sorry I took so long,"

"no worries Wormtail," James tossed at him, "We were just about to start planning this year's pranks,"

"already," whinned Peter

"Wormtail don't be such a drag, come, sit with us and plan this year's adventures," Siruis tapped on the free sit next to him inviting Peter to sit.

This year, just like every other year was definitely going to be filled with adventures, James and Siruis were definitely going to make sure of it.

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