Episode 7

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Reys POV

I was led back to the Hall by Rose then into the party room and I stepped in cautiously. The dress was short and I felt uncomfortable walking into a room full of people. I start to nervously tug on the borrowed dress then rose pulls my hand up and taps it with her other hand reassuringly.  "Its okay You look great, stand tall and wear it." Then she gave me a smile accompanied by a wink.

Kylos POV

I was looking around anxiously until Rey stepped back in through those doors accompanied just by Rose. I didnt know what to think she looked good and  I honestly couldn't think of what to do and dropped my drink. "Hot Dang!" I whispered though apparently loudly as Poe and Hux Laughed and nudged my elbows. Her dress was an emerald color which suited her well obviously though it was a bit shorter on her though she had on gold strapped sandal heels her jewelry was modest and not too flashy but she looked beautiful almost glowing.  

I really wanted to ask her to dance and had started moving until Rose motioned Finn to them and had him take her to the dance floor. After they start dancing I became so frustrated at the fact that I didn't move faster and that it always had to be Finn rescuing her. I walk Into the pool area because there was fresh air there. I started kicking around the pool furniture in frustration, I wanted to dance with her and tell her that she looked great but for some reason when it came to her and my true feelings I didn't know what to do and despite all the girls after me I never had feelings for anyone. I kept kicking around the furniture not caring about my surroundings. 

Reys POV

 After I had danced with Finn we went back to Rose and he asked her for a dance, I stood there for a bit watching them then when it became to much for me to handle I decided it was best to get some fresh air. I took a few steps out into where the pool was and then heard a splash followed my muffled yelling, I ran up to the pool took off the jewelry and jumped in not caring about the beautiful dress I had on it was obvious that something terrible could happen. I pulled the man out of the water who was a bit heavy but at least the water helped. After setting him aside on the pool I realized that it was Kylo I then frantically trying to wake him up but it was pointless so then i decided the next step was to try CPR. I preform the procedure pumping on his chest which I noticed was fairly toned then trying to force air into his lungs through his mouth holding his chin and his nose. After working for a bit I look up and see the crowd that wasn't helping , trying to wake him up again I continued the previous procedure but when I start to breath into again I noticed his eyes were open and stopped above his face then start to get up realizing he was ok, then he grabbed me trying to pull me into a kiss at first I was to shoked to realize but after he released me i slapped him in the face mad at him taking advantage of the moment I then get up and storm off. 

Kylos POV (falling into pool)

I stood around kicking furniture into the pool then I slip and fall in I was more of a sinker than a floater and I start to fade out then hear a splash into the pool whom I couldn't make out the figure to. I fully black out the next thing I realize is im outside of the pool and someone was performing CPR on me and as they grabbed my head I could see the faintest view of the one who saved me through my eyelashes. It was Rey... she saved me. I then realize her look up and then look annoyed. "Kylo wake up!" I heard her say in a frantic voice It was nice to hear her concern for me but I didn't respond. She then proceeded to pump on my chest then she turned to me again and I open my eyes as she lowers her head then pull her into a kiss, though she of course as always walks away from me. I was in bliss I had had my first kiss and now knowing that I stole her first I was happy. 

Time Skip-

The next day I woke up in a good mood which was uncommon I go down to get food and even when a maid spills my morning coffee I don't get mad and fire her. My butler assures me that the maid would get fired for her conduct but I turn to him. "C'mon man loosen up... This house is run to strictly Everything is fine... Why fire the maid?" He then looks at me curiously which I brush off. "Ah! this is a great day! what beautiful weather!" I stand by the window looking out but soon after it starts raining. 

Time Skip- (back at school)

I had great plans for the day teasing Rey with both gifts and annoying little things. which included putting random stuff in her locker and having things added to her coffee which i knew she would go and get I made sure everything was perfectly set up. I then sat back and watched on the monitors that I had connected to the schools camera systems. I laughed and smiled at each thing that happened. I notice Hux and Poe in the corner looking at me and talking, Finn hadn't been hanging around much but who am I to tell him what to do. 

Reys POV

I was fed up with Kylos little shenanigans, I mean seriously? I mean they weren't the worst hed done but it was annoying so I decided to talk a walk then saw Finn playing his guitar again but one of his strings break and it cuts him. I walk up to him to help which he doesn't really respond to. "Thanks." he mutters out. I then stay squatted there for a bit but realizing he didn't want to talk I handed him the umbrella that I carried with me knowing at anytime it could rain and that I didn't want his instrument to get wet then walked off. 

Kylos POV

I was waiting for Rey again in the hangout smiling and in a good mood then I hear someone come in and thinking that it was Rey I looked up excitedly then I realized It was a different female student I became disappointed. They began to show me a video of Finn and Rey, my mood darkened then the girl went on to say that she was a gold digger and it looked like they had been dating for a while. I take the phone from her hands then proceed to crash it against the floor breaking it and the girl got mad but at the same time content, I then proceeded to storm out. 

My feelings and pride were hurt as I walked out then I run into Rey who seems disappointed. "Are you disappointed I'm not who you were hoping for?" I ask angrily. She then starts to walk away and I grab her arm pulling her back a bit. "Where are you going?"

"I have nothing to say to you so I'm going back to my dorm room." She retorts back. 

"Well I have something to say to you... Why must you play with me like this? I was making allowances for you and to treat you nicely but now you have made me feel worthless. Everything I've done to try and win you over you ridicule!" I then grab her closer to kiss her but she struggles shaking her head.

"No! I don't want... too!" She continues shaking and then I let go of her. 

I ask her without any anger in my voice only hurt. "Do you hate it that much?" Then I walk off.

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