Episode 3

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Reys POV

The next day I walked Into one of the main buildings to go to one of my classes and was greeted by. "OMG who does she think she is!" "She should pay for what she did." and "Oh! did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed again!" I decided to ignore them, that is until a group of girls came around me. "Who do you think you are?!" One of them asked very Snarkily. 

"I'm Rey..." I said trying to remain calm. 

"Hmm well Rey looks like you have managed to anger us... You! how dare you do that to our guy!" Then the one with wavy blond hair pushed my books to the floor. "Oops! Guess your clumsy too! Why don't you pick up your books." She said with a smile. As I knealt down I looked pass the girls too see Kylo staring at me and smirking. 

"Thats It!" I thought to myself storming past the girls after i grabbed my stuff. I hurriedly followed the man down the halls to their base. 

"I challenge you to a duel of your stupid fencing!!!!" I yelled at him. 

He turned around and smiled... Oh how I was starting to hate that smile that he thinks is so charming. "Okay." He said simply. "Do you think you can beat me?" He smiled a bit more smugly and walked closer to me. "Alright then... Next Wednesday I have a free period and judging that you are In Engineering you have the same block of time free." 

"How do you know that?" I was very puzzled, I only met him once and it wasn't the best meeting. 

"I am to run the largest company of course I need to keep tabs on minor enemies..." He turned and walked away. I was gonna need to prepare myself big time, I had never fenced anyone when i was little though i would chase my friends around pretending to be a Jedi with a lightsaber this was different though I was no longer a child and this man was 6'2 and probably more built then he seemed due to the fact he often played this sport. 

Time Skip-

It had been a few days and I was walking back to the dorm after getting Starbucks with Gwen. Gwen though was being careless and tired after the long day and tripped stepping onto the sidewalk. When she tripped she spilled a bit of her coffee on the shoes of a man and looking up it was none other then Kylo followed by his possy. "What Luck!" I exclaimed. He looked mad madder than usual. 

Kylos POV

I looked down seeing the friend of Rey whom had tripped spilling her coffee on my Sain L:aurent Wyatt Boots. "Do you know how much these cost!" I yelled at the women. "4,000$!" I slowly got more and more agitated as the blond woman stood up. "Why dont you bow to me begging for forgiveness like the good little puppy You are." I smiled again. "Maybe then I'll forgive you..."

Reys POV

Gwen started to get down in fear of the man and I grabbed her shoulder. "Oh yeah! Like she will bow to you!" I stepped in front of her. 

"Well if she wont then you do it..." He stuck out his leg. "Oh and while you're down there why dont you wipe it off for me."He smiled again. "Come on little Rey... or are you scared? Scared of letting go of that tough persona you keep so hard to maintain." 

I slowly started to get on my knees as he shot a quick triumphant smile to his friends I quickly stood up and undoing my coffee lid I splashed it all over him. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" He screamed like a girl, it was kinda funny. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!!?!?!" Oh boy! was he mad and that made me happy.

"Oh you know for EVERYTHING!" I yelled back. "I cant stand you. all you do is walk around like you own the place acting like a tyrant instead of viewing anyone but your group of friends as people." I said while motioning to his friend who were just standing there silently. "I'm Leaving!" I said as i grabbed Gwen and stormed off. 

"Don't forget our match!" He yelled to me as I vanished from his sight. 'Oh I would never forget... I was pumped to kick him where it hurts, though not literally. 

Reys POV

Later that evening I went on a walk and went to the place I had met Finn at first and looked around to see if anyone was there. It was a secluded area so it didn't surprise me that no one was there I took another quick look and decided it was safe. 

"KYLO REN YOU BASTARD! YOU WILL GET WHATS COMING TO YOU! YOU WONT EVER FORGET ME AND MY FACE BEATING YOUR SORRY BUTT WILL BE BURNED INTO THE BACK OF YOUR MIND!!!!" I yelled out. "YOU AND YOUR KNIGHTS PARADE AROUND LIKE A BUNCH OF TYRANTS TO POMPOUS TO CARE ABOUT ACTUAL PEOPLE AND ILL BE THE ONE TO PUT AN END TO YOUR REIGN!!!!" It felt so good to let that out, then I saw a familiar face pop out from the grass it was FInn one of the ones i had been screaming about to the air. 'Oops! Dangit just my luck!' I thought to myself of course the sleeper would be out here enjoying this restful place. "Sorry!" I cried out to him He just laughed.

"No its ok... Continue I dont mind." he began to look away and I walked towards him. 

"How can I be sure you aren't just picking on me?" I question him. 

"I don't like to get myself involved in others business and honestly just don't care you have a right to your opinions, and can express yourself." He gave me a soft smile, he seemed to be the only one out of the group that was connected humanely. Was I starting to enjoy this mans presence? I don't know but still wasn't going to let myself be fooled. 

"Well I'm going to leave... Have fun yelling into nothingness." He said picking up his stuff then he left. 

Time Skip-

Wednesday came and as it drew closer and closer to my free period I became more and more ambitious. After I was free from classed I walked to the hall in which we were to have our match and stepped in soon to be greeted by jerk-heads face. "I'm Here!" I exclaimed. "Ready"

"Yes we will do a timed match... If you manage to best me before the timer runs out then You win but if you cannot then I win..." He looked up to me. "Protective clothing or no?"

"None" I said with a smile then he tossed me the Sabre with a smile along his face. 

"Okay our timer is set at ten minutes and Poe is our Referee." He said motioning to the man standing outside the marked area. 

The game passed on and I was able to land a few good points on him but not enough to wipe him out and actually beat him. The timer clicked closer and closer to the ten minutes. 

"Sorry hun looks like your gonna loose!" He said with laughter in his tone. 

"Yeah right!" I jumped at him and pulled the object I had been carrying in my back pocket. I ignited It and slammed down without touching anything and just enough to freak him out. He stumbled backwards out of fear of the item I held In my hand. 

"What you finished it!" I heard Finn yell in excitement and I smiled. "Yep!" Oh Boy! I had waited for this moment since I challenged him to show off. "Heres the so called 'Garbage' that you stepped on previously..." I smirked and looked at him, Shock ran over his face and then I just Left.

Kylos POV

As she walked away I stood there in shock trying to realize what just happened. For a split second I thought she was hot but that thought didn't last to long. "Ill give her what she wants." I said smiling. I gave a sigh and walked out knowing that the only reason she bested me was because she had a trump card, which I was amazed with and regretted ever calling it junk but I didn't want to admit that to her.

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