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BOLD- P.O.V.s, places

Italic- thoughts

Bold italic-Spells

Underlined Bold- Text messages 


Stark Tower, New York

Harry's P.O.V.

It was safe to say that I slept like a baby. I had absolutely no dreams whatsoever and knowing Luna was safe beside me just made things better. Wait a minute...


I woke up abruptly to see of course, Luna sleeping beside me. But that didn't shock me.

What shocked me was the fact that I had an arm around her. And if things couldn't get worse, she was HOLDING ONTO MY ARM!!! 

That means I couldn't let go. By now I was a blushing mess. I cursed myself for not putting notice me not charms around us before we slept. 

After those moments, I realized I was in an unfamiliar room. This definitely was not the hotel.

Well, where am I!? Oh no! What if Ron and the ministry got to us. But that doesn't explain the fact that I'm in a comfortable bed with Luna. So..... Aha! The Avengers people!

They must have kidnapped me for the 2nd time! But they didn't cause I agreed to go with them. I am such a dumb person.

I sighed as tried to get my hand off Luna. Thankfully I managed to do just that. I rolled off the bed casting a Silencio charm so Luna wouldn't wake up.

I quickly got my glassedand went to the bathroom.I decided to wash my face a bit to wake me up. Pretty soon I was awake and alive.

I cast a simple Tempus charm to see that it was 8:00 in the morning. 

I debated on what to do next. Should I go explore and leave Luna here!? No way.

What if I just stayed here? I'd probably be bored out of my mind.

I just plopped down the bed thinking about my life decisions

"Hello Harry" I am proud to say that I did not scream. I did however fall off the bed.

I stood up to see Luna looking at me with those beautiful grey eyes.

"Oh Good morning Luna! I didn't know you were awake" I said awkwardly 

"You can put down the Silencio charm now Harry" Luna said in the adorable voice of her.

I chuckled and put down the silencio surrounding her.

"Sorry about that" I told her

"Did the Avengers kidnap us again" she said calmly which was odd since she was talking about literally being kidnapped

"Um well kinda, I agreed with them sort of" I said not knowing how to explain it to her

"Oh that's nice" Luna says not looking at me

"Even when she's not looking, she's still beautiful" 

"So what do you wanna do today?" Before she could answer the door was kicked(literally) down to reveal the red head of the avengers.

Instinctively I reached out for my wand and held it to them completely forgetting they were muggles.

Luna on the other hand just sat up and stared at them curiously

"What do you want?" I asked. The red head just narrowed her eyes.

I was about to make another remark but a blonde came panting over

"Y-you *pants* really a-re *pants* so f-fast" he says before passing out dramatically.

The red head just rolled her eyes at the blonde's antics

"Get up, Clint" she said with seriousness in her voice with a trace of amusement

"Come on Natasha, I'm dying here" Blonde said dramatically

"Then perish" was the red head's reply. I was really getting confused here.

They look like highly trained agents (the red head does anyway) but they act like kids which was weird.

"Whatever" blonde groans as he sat up. He turned his head to look at us and raised his eyebrows at my wand.

I quickly hid it away reminding myself to Obliviate him later.

"Hey I'm Clint" blonde suddenly says. I raised my eyebrow. Why in the world would he give me his name unless it's alias.

The red head smacked blonde's or Clint's head, judging by this Clint was probably his real name.

"Harry Potter?" the red head asked cautiously

"Yes?" I answered cooly. Good job for not panicking self

"I'm Luna Lovegood, since we know Clint now. Can we know your name?" Luna asks suddenly from behind

"Natalie"came her respone. At this Luna smiled

"That's not true" Luna said innocently. I noticed Red hea- Natalie whatever became pale.

"W-what *coughs* what do you mean?" she asks unsure at first regains her composture

"The nargles told me you're lying" Luna says continuing. I looked at Clint and he just shrugged. The redhead sighed

"Ok, my name is Natasha" Luna tilted her head but didn't say anymore things

"Ok so we now know each other, so I'm just gonna ask. What do you want with me?" I ask them 

"There have been some strange things happening around ya kid. Our boss wanted to know why" Clint says. It was my turn to pale.

Should I tell them that wizards exist but I just met them, they would never believe me.  I sighed and looked at Luna.She smiled at me.

I turned towards the two and opened my mouth to tell them.

A/N I am so sorry guys for not updating. School's been horrible and I probably had a breakdown at least once. But still thank you so much for 24k. Aaaaaah!!! Oh my god I never thought it reach this much!!! I probably will update slower but I'll try my best

QOTC: When is Luna's birthday?

AOTC; Write your anwers in the comments ^-^

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