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Luna P.O.V

I can't believe Harry, of course I'm willing to go. The nargles said so, but a part of me jsyt wants to be with him.

What is this feeling?

Could it be? No it shouldn't, he's with Ginny but they broke up, right?

Anyways I shook these thoughts from my head as I walked up to the ministry. Unfortunately, I bumped into a person I never wanted to see

Ginerva Molly Weasley

"Oh hi Luna, long time no see!"

"Hi Ginny" I said, I was scared my voice to harsh, thankfully she didn't notice

"Have you seen any trace of Potter?" She said the word Potter as if it would bring her to hell

"No, not really"

"That's sad, I'll make him pay for killing my brother" At this time, I was basically fuming

"Didn't you date him" apparently this struck a nerve

"Date!? Him!? No way!? I was dating him just because he was popular! I was always the least of the weasleys, so if I dated him I could gain popularity and fame!" She said. I was so angry I wish I could choke her.

I took 3 deep breaths and faced Ginny, she was still red with anger

"Sorry Ginny, I'll tell you if we find something"

"Make sure of it 'cause I'll tear him to pieces, anyways bye Luna" she said as she lava walked away. Thank Merlin she's gone.

Now to do what I came here to do. I walked calmly to the minister's office when the undersecretary greeted me

"Good morning Ms. Lovegood, the minister is waiting for you" she said as she led me the way. Once we got to the office I thnaked her and made my way.

"Oh hello Luna!" Kingsley greeted me

"Good morning Kingsley"

"Now have you decided on when you're leaving?"

"Well we're leaving on Thursday"

"Oh really, then when are you coming back"

"Well you see Kingsley, my friend doesn't want to come back"

"Really? And you're coming with him?"

"Unfortunately, yes"

"We will miss you Luna but I understand what with the Potter scandal going around"

"The feeling is mutual minister"

"OK Luna, the portkey will be in diagon alley, just ask Mr. Ollivander"

"Thank you minister" and with that note I left the office to go tell Harry

Meanwhile in Avengers Tower
Steve P.O.V

I really don't see what is happening. We were sent by Fury to capture a 17 year old. Like what!?

I'm pretty sure that's illegal but this is Nick Fury, he does what he wants and always gets away with it.

What I'm more bothered about is that he sent Peter and Wanda as well.

What does this Harry Potter had that he needs all of the Avengers to go and take him?

Like does Fury actually think that this kid has magic. Seriously, you could give Fury a picture of a cat reading a map(which is photoshop) and he'll immediately call a team to hunt down that cat.

I sighed, has Fury lost his insanity? Anyways all my thoughts were cut off when I saw Nat on my doorstep

"Lost in your own world Rogers?" She asked while I stuffed the rest of my things in my bag.

"What are you doing here Nat?" I asked not looking at her as I continued to pack

"Why? Is it wrong for me to stop by your room anymore?"

"I know there's a reason so spill" I said as I looked at her straight in her eyes.

Nat was a really great liar but knowing her, she wouldn't just 'stop by'

"Don't you think Fury's acting a bit weird?" She sighed

"I noticed it too"

"I mean is he really gonna believe wizards exist?" Nat said and I could see a bit of worry in her eyes.

She and Fury weren't really that close, more like a friend relation ya know?

"Well there's nothing we can do now, cause when Fury puts his mind into something, there's no turning back"

"Then you better pack up Rogers"

"Same to you Romanoff" she gave me a wink as she left my room and I was left with my thoughts once again

QOTC:Do you ship Steve and Nat? If not, who do you ship with both of them?

AOTC:I see both of them as more of a sibling kind of love but I would be happy to welcome that ship

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