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The feeling of loss was overcoming me.

Joyce, Alexei and I were standing in front of Murray and Hoppers coffins.

"Grayson Harrington, Please come up here and share a few words with us." (this is going to be tough to write considering my pop pops passing is coming up in 3 moths, it will have been a year.)

I walked up to the podium and adjusted the mic.

"Ok. I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who showed up today. Lets start with Murray. Murray Bauman was like a father figure to me. He gave me a loving home when I needed it the most. He took me in when I was just 5 years old, after my parents abandoned me on the side of the road. We grew up together. We played tea party and dress up. He truly was an amazing father. I ended up moving out at 15 years old, and we lost contact. And that is when I met Hopper. Hopper was one of the funniest guys I knew. But when he had to be serious, oh boy was he serious. Hopper and I became really close. If I was having a bad day, go to Hopper's. Sick, go to Hopper's. These two made my life amazing. Rest in peace angels. May you fly high."

 I concluded my speech, and went back to my seat, bawling my eyes out.



wow this was tough to write. I based this off of my pop pops funeral. Basically, since I was the oldest child, I had to light the 3 candles (idk if u know what Im talking about.) but i ended up running back to my seat, crying. I probably cried the most. I miss him so much.

May you rest in peace Bill Rosser.

I hate Cancer.


Hopelessly In Love / Alexei St3 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now