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I woke up, with arms snaked around
my waist. I looked over my shoulder and saw Alexei sleeping peacefully.

I started feeling sick to my stomach and ran to the bathroom and puked. I got up feeling all dizzy, just to see a sick looking Alexei run in and repeat my actions.

"You ok?" I ask Alexei quietly. Only Alexei and Murray know that I know Russian because Murray taught me.

"I don't know, i woke up feeling sick as shit." He replied. "Same"


"Ok Mom." I fire back, not in the mood.

Alexei and i trudge down the stairs, to see Hopper and Joyce ready to go.

"Well, are you two lovebirds coming or not?" Hopper asks impatiently.

"Unless you want two sick bitches tagging along, I dont think its a good idea." I replied.

"Fine. Murray, you are with us."

"Ok, here are the rules. The only reason im letting you two stay here is because Gray is basically a daughter to me. Rule One, dont break anything. Two, dont die." Murray says strictly.

"Ok." Alexei and I say in unison.

Then they left.

So, this is only a filler on the morning after bc i have MAJOR writers block.
Be ready

There is gonna be SHIT going down

Also next chapter is gonna be a long one, it will be two chapters together.

Guess in the comments what you think is going to happen with all of the characters!!

✌ out


Hopelessly In Love / Alexei St3 (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora