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There stood a Zombie-Like looking Joyce.

"Come in, I need to talk."


I walked in the room, Strawberries and Advil clutched in my hand. I handed Joyce the Advil and sat down on the creaky bed.

"What happened."

"Let me just tell you the entire story. We left the bunker and got into Hopper/Todd's car. We kinda just sat and talked until Hopper and I started arguing. Murray then said that we either need to get out of the car and do the dirty or shut the hell up. We chose the 2nd option. After awhile, we ended up at the 4th of July Festival. We left Murray at the car, and Hopper and I went to go look for our kids. We were running around and then came across Murray, slouched up against a food stall, holding his chest. Something was obviously wrong, So I moved his hand."

"And then what?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Grayson, he was shot. Murray was shot and he died."

I couldn't see clearly, as tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I continued questioning her.

"And what about Hopper?"

"So, after we found Murray, we had to leave and we managed to get to this 'Key' that Alexei was talking about. The guy who shot Murray was there, waiting for us, and Hopper ended up throwing him into the key. He ended up getting ripped to shreds. Nobody else was up there with me to close the gate. Hopper was still down at the bridge. He couldn't manage to get back up. He told me to just turn the key, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave there without him. He told me that I needed to. And that is what I ended up doing. It killed him. I killed my one true love. I loved him so much Grayson I can't even begin to explain the am-"

I cut her off by giving her a hug, us both crying. She had lost her true love. I had lost my father figure, and best friend.

Eventually, I got up and went back to the couch, where Alexei was seated.

"What happened?" He said whilst getting up.

"Hopper and Murray are dead." I replied with disbelief.

He hugged me and I started crying again.

Life was never going to be the same.



Sorry for making you cry.

Only about 6 more chapters left and I have inspiration for all of them.


Hopelessly In Love / Alexei St3 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now