One Last Job

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You were right about being pregnant and Cracker was right about Big Mom not having an issue with it. But there was a catch, she found one last thing for you and Cracker to go do before you were too far along to do any more jobs. This one had you worried in a different way.

She was sending you and your husband to play messenger to another yonko, Whitebeard to be exact. None of the yonkos could quite be considered friendly with each other, her and Whitebeard were no exception. But he had control of an island she wanted strictly for their sweets, fishman island.

The idea was you and Cracker go talk to the pirate on her behalf and try to negotiate. But you could see so many ways for it to go wrong, and you didn't even know the man personally.

Cracker sided with you on this but was unwilling to go against his mother's wishes. In the end, he decided it would be best for you to do the talking, knowing there was no way he could intimidate such a notorious pirate, especially when surrounded by his own crew. He said if a good looking woman were to talk, the men were bound to listen, even if said woman was married. All you could do was trust him and hope for the best.

In the mean time, he kept a close eye on you, making sure you weren't stressing yourself out like the night you learned you were pregnant. If you thought he hovered a lot before, it didn't compare to how much he did now. Part of it was him being excited for a kid, he loved his family and the baby you carried was part of that family. But he was also worried for your health. After you worked yourself to the point of being sick and losing a few pounds, he'd been more careful about making sure you took care of yourself.

Lately that meant him keeping you close, more so than before. When at home, he stayed by your side, food pushing and encouraging lots of rest. When the time came to head out to the ship to go meet up with Whitebeard it was pretty much the same, but with him fussing over you more whenever you were too close to the water's edge for his liking. He'd gone from your husband to something more akin to a mother hen.

It wasn't all bad though. He was very delicate with you, even when it came to sex. It was like you were a porcelain doll he was afraid he'd break with one wrong touch. You tried telling him it wasn't necessary to be so gentle with you but he wouldn't have any of it, still insisting on treating you as carefully as possible. It was a nice change of pace though. Rough fucks turned into sensual love making and he spent more time just to lay with you in bed and talk. Maybe all this was what you needed to see how he really wanted to treat you from the start. He really did just have a hard time learning how to show affection to someone outside his family.

"(Y/n), you about ready? We'll be meeting up with them soon." Cracker stepped into your shared bathroom to see you half dressed.

You tugged a fitted tee shirt over your head before answering him. "Yeah, just gotta fix my hair and I'll be set."

"Let me help." He settled behind you, picking up a brush from the counter and gently tugging it through your damp locks.

"How much longer till we see them?"

"The ship's already in sight, I'd give it a few minutes." He finished with your hair, getting it just how you usually liked it.

"I don't think Whitebeard's going to work with us on this..."

"Probably not, but with a pretty little lady like you there, they may be willing to hear us out." He feathered light, playful kisses along your jaw as he bent over you, making you giggle at how it tickled.

"If you say so." Much to his delight, you tugged him around for a real kiss.


You were glad you weren't showing yet. Something told you Whitebeard wouldn't be the kind of man to appreciate a pregnant woman on his ship and you didn't plan on making it known that you were. When you and Cracker got on board his ship, you were met with the many eyes of his crew watching the two of you, not a single woman in sight. Yeah, it'd be better for him not to know your condition, he didn't seem to appreciate female crew either.

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