His Way

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This is taking place before the events in OP. I have no real reason for this as far as I know but that may change???? Who knows.

Those two days flew by. You still didn't see Cracker at any point and Raisin had stopped training with you so you'd be married without any visible marks. He ended up being busy with other things as well, leaving you to be lost in your own thoughts for the remainder of the time.

You wandered around for most of it as you tried to mentally prepare yourself. Besides Raisin, you hadn't really talked with anyone else in the family and anyone you happened across just ignored you. It was rough. They didn't care for you as an outsider and it only made you feel worse. Not that you wanted them to like you, but you wished they'd be a little more kind considering your situation.

The day of the wedding you were making yourself so stressed you felt sick. You didn't sleep at all that night either and it showed. The staff that came to help you get ready struggled to do makeup that hid the bags under your eyes and much paler complexion. You felt bad for them having to put up with all this but they took it all in stride and finished with you looking like a million berries despite not feeling like it.

Afterwards, they took you up to a huge, almost empty room to wait. All that was there was a couple chairs. One for you and one for Cracker you assumed. He wasn't here yet though. You were too on edge to sit, pacing back and forth instead. The shoes clicked against the floors with each step as you'd pace in one direction before turning on your heels and going the other. Rinse and repeat. It felt like an eternity of your nerves building up until you wanted to just walk out. But you couldn't, not if you wanted to keep your family out of harm's way.

That thought calmed you a bit. You were doing this for Atticus and all the kids, whether they knew it or not. By being here, you were keeping them safe and you'd be willing to go through hell and back to do that. They were family after all, blood didn't matter.

Finally, the door to the room opened and Cracker stepped in, dressed to the nines in a slick black suit. He wore the same self assured smile he always seemed to have and it immediately made you angry.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" You hiked up your skirt to avoid stepping on it and stomped over to him.

"About what? You look good by the way." He held his hands up in defense, snickering a bit when you stopped in surprise. His comment caught you off guard.

You quickly recovered and drew yourself to your full height, which wasn't much compared to him, as you put your hands on your hips. "You were supposed to tell me when this was taking place! I didn't figure it out until two days ago."

His eyes trailed up and down your figure as he continued to grin. "It must have slipped my mind. I've been busy with my own work you know."

"You're an ass."

"I thought I was sparky, little mouse."

You threw up your hands in defeat and turned around, taking the seat you were too stressed to even look at earlier.

"I heard you kept my little sister from playing with a knife." He sauntered up and crouched in front of you, getting a little below eye level. The fact that he was so tall absolutely astounded you still.


"She won't stop talking about you. She's completely smitten."

"Cute. Maybe she'll stay out of the kitchen now. Wait...your sister?" You perked up, trying to connect the dots. "But you're older than me, I think, and your mom is even older than that..."

"Want a hint?" He giggled, propping an elbow on his knee so he could rest his chin in his hand.


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