Sometimes a Jerk

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"I don't understand you." You murmured, leaning back into his chest as the two of you soaked in the tub.

He'd helped clean you off and then ran a clean bath for the both of you, mostly to soothe your aches but why turn down a perfectly good bath? It wasn't sea water so it was tolerable, but it still left you feeling a little tired.

His fingers danced lightly along your bruised ribs as he spoke up, but not about what you'd just said. "I didn't think I hit you that hard."

"You kinda did. It was pretty dark for the longest time."

"Does it still hurt?"

"A little. Not nearly as much as it used to though."

He kissed the top of your head, probably the closest thing you'd get to an apology but you'd take it.

"Why the complete 180?" You asked, tilting your chin up to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been a condescending asshole for basically this whole time but now you're being nice."

"Maybe I'm just getting on your good side because you have a sexy body and I want to be able to fuck you without you throwing a fit every time." He took your hand in his, playing with your fingers.

"Are you?"

He didn't say anything for a minute, just continued to touch you before finally sighing. "No."

"Then why?"

"Most people would cry and scream, lose their shit if they went through all you have so far. But you didn't. Not once. And I didn't see you for a while there but I know you still didn't make a fuss. It's not what I expected and I'm not keen on pushing you till you reach that point. I am curious as to why you've held up so well though."

"So you know about me unarming your little sister but not about what your mom and I discussed." You said, nodding slowly. The aches weren't as bad now and you were beginning to feel tired. "I can't afford to lose myself. Not when there's a whole island of people at risk. I have a family there, brothers and sisters who I want to know are safe. If I can't keep it together, I can't protect them. I'm fine as long as they are."

"You're one tough little mouse (Y/n). That's admirable, but you're allowed to be angry about it all. You're supposed to follow orders, not be an emotionless machine."

"It's a little easier when I don't think too much about it. I haven't had the time to get angry anyway." Your eyes started to flutter closed. The warm water and the heat radiating off of Cracker was pulling all the tension from you that had accumulated over the past two weeks and making you feel more relaxed than you had in a long time.

"Don't sleep yet, I want to talk more."

"Later....I have training tomorrow."

"No you don't. Not for a few days." Cracker brushed your hair out of your face.

"If you say so..."


You hummed in response.

"Do something with the water and then you can pass out. I'll even take you to bed."

You raised your hand without opening your eyes, focusing on the center of your palm. Some of the bath water floated up to form a perfect sphere right above your hand, swirling around at a lazy pace. You held it for a minute before it became too hard to concentrate and the water dropped back into the tub.

"You're going to learn to do some real amazing stuff with that." He murmured as you gave in to sleep.


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