Chapter 19

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Eva POV:
Watching from the cameras, I see Matteo puking his guts up.

"Such a unfit father" I said shaking my head. Stephan decided that now would be a good time to cry for food.

I've been trying to get him to eat baby food but he still prefers breast milk. Mamas boy.

While feeding him, I look around the room and notice how it's designed. I wouldn't mind having one in my new house.

I need to get out of here. Out of this state.

Matteo POV:

"Bro. So tell me whyyyy." I started, slurring my words.

"I killed... Recìo!" I said and in Gio looked taken back by that statement.

"Why'd your kill him?!" He asked with a frown on his face.

"He came up with this crazy, fucked up story that Eva was alive and well with my other son. Oh yeah, you had 2 nephews. One died." I said and stood up abruptly. Walking over to the fridge, I grab a cheap beer.

"You know bro. To have money you sure don't give a fuck about your taste buds" I said frowning as I downed the unpleasant beverage.

"Go suck a ass. I prefer that over that shit you sip and be off your ass." He replied rolling his eyes.

We both leave the kitchen when I hear Stephen screams from the living room.

The maid was attempting to calm him down.

"Who the fuck is this Gio?! I don't like randoms holding my son. Hand him here woman!" I yell grabbing my screaming baby, calming him instantly.

"Did someone miss papa? Mhm? I know son. I missed you as well my smart cookie." I cooed while rocking him.

"I'm sorry about him Anna. He treats everyone like that sadly. You can be dismissed to another part of the house." Gio explains to his crazy maid.

"Hand him over before you give him second hand alcohol poisoning with that breath." He said reaching for my son.

"Get the fuck back man." I said calmly. I walk over to the couch to feed him a bottle. He always gets hungry around this time.

"look man. I'm tired, I need to get some rest. You've been here what 30 minutes, but managed to piss everyone off. You need to leave. I'll bring Stephen back once you've sobered up." Gio explains reaching for my son again.

"I'm not leaving. Take your old ass to bed I'll let myself out, and as for my son? I'll determine where he goes and he isn't staying here by himself! What if that slut you had over this morning is crazy and is somewhere in this house?!" I yelled covering Stephen eats.

"Dude. No one is here except the maid. You know how I feel about women coming around me period! I love you and my nephew, so why would I want to put him in harms way?!"

I sit up looking uncomfortable.

"Okay but you didn't have to go all homosexual on me. I know you like men deep down, but dude chill I'm your brother. Remember that." I said smirking

"Bitch don't play with me you drunk. I love PUSSY! Enough to try cop some dead pussy." He said mumbling the last part.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" I yelled. Placing Stephen down and walking over to him.

One good punch to the face and I was out like a damn baby.

———————-3 years later——————

Eva POV:

"Baby boy get your shoes on. Let's go to the park okay?"

Today was a family day. Gina & I decided to take the boys out to the park then to lunch.

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