Chapter 47

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Zia Knight POV

I knew it when I said a headache is coming because the plan that Damon, Damien and Rose have come up with is one can say 'risky', and by that I mean deadly.

"So squirrel 1, Derek. Since your school holidays is coming up I want you to convince your godfather and family to let you take vacation with Sorellina Zi but in actuality you will be with us." said Damon as he talk slowly so Derek can understand him. Little did he know Derek is smart, he can understand us speaking just fine.

"In the meantime, however, you need to spend more time with your mama Zizi and us. This way whoever targeting you is focusing on your relation with us the Lucianos than with your godfather's family the Lombardi. Do you understand?" added Damien sternly. 

Derek nodded his head giving his absolute attention to the twins. No fear or confusion shown in face but determination. I wonder if he understands fully, the fact he was just told that he's a 'target' should cause him to cower or confuse out of his mind, no? I mean I would. 

"Now, squirrel 2, Zade. You in the meantime has an important role. You are a year older than Derek so I want you to be his bodyguard and his double." Damien was staring at Zade with a serious look but being patient. Being the mafia 'Capo' I thought he would be one who have little patience -- but I guess it's different for every scenario.

"A double? explain." Zaden huffed as he cross his arms showing his 'tough' look for the twins to see. 

"This means that if or WHEN you or both of you are taken from us by suspicious characters you must not reveal your true self. You will switch identity. You will become Derek or in their case, they might still refer to you as Zaden not Zaden Grey but Zaden Romano that is." explained Damon. 

I was shocked hearing this. I knew I trust them and I knew they will come up with an idea that can save Derek and us all but I never knew it will be one as stupid and crazy as this. 

"I OBJECT!" I shouted and glare at the twins. I will not allow this. Derek should be protected, yes -- but not at the cost for other child's life. "You need to come up with other idea because I won't and I mean WON'T let any danger be exposed to my boys!" 

'My boys'? wow... why do I get attached easily. But, I do mean this! These little ones already mean so much to me. I never knew being a mother figure is what I am craving for and ENJOY FULLY!

"I am sorry Sorellina. I know it's not fair to Zade but we need him. We must eliminate the enemy who's targeting Derek while we have the chance. They don't know that we knew they're up to something. This is the best way and efficient way. It's better to get rid of them now while we're here and give them the surprise attack that they're trying to do to us." Damon pleaded but with serious look in his eyes.

I know he's right. I know but I feel so bad. They're just little kids, why must they get involved in such a cruel adult world. It isn't fair. They should only be enjoying their childhood with play times, ice-creams and snacks, sports, amusement parks, games and more childish stuffs instead of getting targeted for KIDNAPPING especially one that is involving mafia rivalry. 

My silence was taken as an approval for the twins since they continued with the explanation to their plan. 

"Anyway, Zade I hope you don't mind boy, but Sorellina will be adopting you" WHAAATT?! is what I thought but I guess I must have blurt it out... or shouted out loud.

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