Jay x Brian (Bray) Roommates

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((A/N: Hello! This is super late because I got writers block and I apologize for that! I've also never seen this ship before (cough cough, this is what I get for not keeping up with the fandom or the creators (besides Tim, Tim is great) for over a year COUGH) 

Basically, this is an AU where Brian and Jay were roommates in college (or maybe that doesn't count as an AU, idk anymore)

Requested by: -Jay-Merrick-

The two men walked into the dorm, ready to see Brian's roommate, Jay.

Everything had finally been moved into the dorm except a few very minor things, Tim was there to help Brian move those things into the apartment-- (I looked up synonyms for dorm and that was one of the things to pop up. If it's wrong, please let me know)-- so he wouldn't have to keep making trips back and forth.

Brian only had a couple boxes in his car so it was no big deal. Besides, the two were together a majority of the time, anyway.

Jay was sitting on the couch, watching some TV show, or maybe it was a movie? Brian hadn't really glanced at the screen long enough to find out.

Jay looked at them and smiled, making Brian's heart melt. He loved Jay's smiles, they always seemed so genuine. He couldn't help himself, as he smiled goofily back at him.

Tim looked between the two, he found Brian's crush to be pretty obvious. But chose to never say anything, as he never told him about it and it seemed rude to just assume. For all he knew, maybe he just really liked Jay...A lot.

He didn't know.

Tim then felt the weight of the box becoming heavier from holding onto it for a long time and looked down at it. "Hey uh, you want me to help you set up or...?" He trailed off.

Brian looked at Tim, the smile he gave Jay not leaving his face. "Uh, just set it on my bed. I'll take care of it." He said, setting the box he had on the floor.

Tim nodded and began to head that way.

"Thanks, Tim."

He grunted in response.

Brian looked back at Jay. "So, what're you watching?" He asked casually.

"Ah, just some horror movie."

Brian raised an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't like horror."

"Yeah, but there was nothing on." He looked at the screen, then back at Brian. "Besides, now I have to someone cling onto if I get scared." 

Jay then blushed, as if just realizing what he'd said.

Brian also blushed, as Tim entered the room again, the box he was previously carrying gone. 

"Well, the box is on the bed like you asked. You sure you don't want me to help you unpack?"

"Nah, I'll be fine. But thank you, Tim."

"No problem, dude." Tim left the dorm, already taking out a cigarette, as he reached the door, making Brian and Jay chuckle to themselves.

Tim left and there was silence.

Jay picked at the jacket's sleeves that he usually seemed to wear, seemingly nervous. God, why did he have to say that? Brian probably wasn't even gay and here he was unconsciously flirting with him! He wanted to just curl up into a ball and die. 

He was shrinking into himself, feeling more and more anxious about the ordeal, before he felt someone sit next to him.

Jay looked over, it was Brian. After all, who else could it be? He was smiling at Jay, as he gave an awkward smile back.

Brian looked over at the TV. "What movie are you watching?"

"Scream." Jay mumbled, he seemed terrified. Unconsciously moving closer to Brian.

Brian blushed, looking around, before grabbing the remote. "I'm sure there's something...More tame on." He stated, pulling up the guide and scrolling through it. 

Just as Jay said, nothing was on.

Brian paused. "How a movie? I have some DVD's." He suggested.

Jay softly nodded.

A few moments later, the movie was all set up.

It was a comedy.

When the comedy had ended, Jay insisted they watch another movie.

Then, when that was over, they watched another.

Another and another.

You get the point.

A few hours later, Jay had fallen asleep and at some point, his head fell onto Brian's shoulder.

Brian's heart melted. 

He thought about moving. But this was too cute.

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