Noah X Female!Reader Part 2

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You walked with Noah, he seemed jittery and paranoid, glancing around to see if anyone was following you two.

You found yourself feeling paranoid, too, maybe not as much as Noah. But you did feel fear rising within you and he wasn't helping.

You knew that if everything he told you was true, then he wasn't doing it on purpose. But if it wasn't, well, you weren't lying when you said you'd be angry.

You two walked in stillness so you took a deep breath, deciding to break it. "So, why are they following you again?"

The only footage you saw was Noah getting stuck in that fake house, then another clip where he was talking to someone who looked a lot like him.

Next, him getting pushed off the observation tower.

Finally, a really long video that you were still trying to process in your head and couldn't quite explain.

I mean, there were fortune cookies, a talking book, he arrived here for some reason you couldn't decipher.

It was confusing.

So as expected, you were terrified, but also bewildered.

Noah sighed. "It's a long fuckin' story."

You paused. "Okay, I have time."

You still needed to continue moving into your house. But at this point, you'd already spent a lot of time watching this Noah guy's videos, anyway, so you didn't care much anymore, as long as you weren't here all day.

"Look, I'd love to share. But I don't want you to die."

You almost laughed. "Seriously? I'm sure I won't die." You retorted.

Noah sighed. "You don't get it, everyone I've ever met after this has died."

You rolled your eyes. "Look, I'm sure it's just a coincidence."

But the stone cold look on Noah's face ran a shiver down your spine.

He sighed. "Look, just help me get out of here, and if it fails, then that's on me. Don't try again, but I need to ask you one thing."

You blinked. "Uh, yeah?"

"You can't come here again."

You looked at him, puzzled. "You can't just tell me not to visit an area again, that's—"

"You don't understand, this place is Hell. I don't need you getting trapped here, too."

You hesitated. "But that's not fair to you."

Noah laughed bitterly. "Life isn't fair."

You but your lip. "We're getting out of here, both of us."

Before Noah could say anything, you began walking off and he followed behind silently.


You were near the end of the boardwalk, but stopped, taking a deep breath.

You held Noah's, that would have to throw off whoever was keeping him here, right? You thought, as you kept walking, feeling confident.

You began to reach the parking lot, finding your car.

You looked at Noah, who was looking around frantically. I'm free?"

He kept glancing around, pointing his camera in all directions.

"I'm free! I can't believe I'm free!"

He began jumping up and down, as you back up slowly, then laughed, happy with his excitement.

He looked at you and smiled widely, grabbing your shoulders. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He kissed you deeply, before continuing to bounce up and down, practically skipping to his car, as you sat there, stunned.

You touched your lips gently, still freling the wetness of where his lips were. "Did that really happen?" You asked yourself.


Once Noah had calmed down, he apologized for the sudden smooch and you two exchanged numbers.

Out of his cheerfulness, or maybe just to reward you for helping him, he told you where the videos would be uploaded, which turned out to be, as you suspected, YouTube.

He probably would regret it later, you figured, since he seemed so bent on not telling you what was going on.

But you didn't care, you wanted to know.

So, that day, you ended up watching his YouTube channel, which turned out to called TribeTwelve, which was, admittedly, a strange name.

But there were weirder things you already saw on his camera, so you didn't question it too much and found out the answer as to why it was called that when you watched his first video.


It took a few days to go through all of his content because there were a lot of videos on his channel, but eventually you caught up.

Then, you remembered you had his phone number and texted him, asking gim to send you the videos on his camera.

You were expecting to be ignored, considering he seemed to want to distance himself from you as much as possible.

But to your surprise, he actually did reply to your texts, and sent you the videos, even telling you the order they were in.

"They're not the best quality since I haven't edited them yet, but here you go."

You honestly didn't care about the quality, you just wanted a refresher.

You thanked him and watched them in the order Noah told you, the videos making more sense now that you had context and you decided to do as he asked not go to the boardwalk again.

You wanted to hold onto the belief that this was all fake, but Noah's glee when you helped him get off the boardwalk seemed so...Genuine.

You two continued to talk, despite Noah actually calling you, having a mental breakdown, due to feeling horrified he'd cause your misery and/or death.

You reassured him everything would be fine because you were, like him, a stubborn little shit.

He ended up giving you his Twitter and told you a lot of things about his situation that most viewers didn't seem to know, which honestly? Felt pretty honoring.

He trusted you, it seemed.

Despite Noah being irrational, at times, and headstrong, he was a good guy.

You began talking about other things and a relationship bloomed.

For months, Noah still called you crying, saying you would die if you continued to be with him or that he wasn't good enough.

But one day, he stopped and seemed to have accepted you would never leave him no matter what.

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