"Yes sir."

"Somebody get me another fucking bottle of Jack up here DAMN!" I yell over the intercom again.


Eva POV:

"Do you think Recìo will say something?" I asked bitting my nails nervously.

"I highly doubt that since he knew about it but withheld information. That's suicide." He said dodging in and out of lanes.

"Could you possibly slow down a bit? We're literally going 100+"

"I would love but it's a black bmw on my tail right now, I didn't want to alarm you." He said glancing over at me.

"Omg! Why are they following us?! Who did you piss off?"

"Eva, I piss people off for a living. Reach in the glove department and grab that sticky bomb." He instructed pointing to the glove department.

"Wait what?!? What am I suppose to do with it?!" I yell still grabbing it out the box.

"Can you drive good?" He asked grabbing the bomb.

"Yeah wh-"

"Get over here and floor this petal, I need you to drive like a bat out of hell." He explains putting the car in auto pilot. We switched spots quickly and I started to dodge cars in traffic. He pressed a button on top of the car and the sun roof opened.

"Okay I need you to stay steady on the wheel, I'm about to climb up to throw this."

"WHAT?! You're about to commit murder on the interstate?! With me driving?!" I yelled pulling at his coat as he stood up.

I hear tires screeching a few seconds later and a loud explosion behind us. Some cars ended up being casualties from the explosion.

He quickly gets back in the passenger seat and smirks at my horrified expression on my face.

"Welcome to my world Queen."


Matteo POV:

Next day*

"Jace. What did you find?" I ask intrigued.

"Nothing boss. The complex only had senior citizens and a few college kids. Although one guy I interrogated kept mumbling how this girl always had "something brewing" next door."

"Hm. Anyway, call my brother and see what's his schedule is like. I'm gonna pay him a visit, I heard he was in a attack last night. I wonder what his old ass was doing out that late anyway."

"Yes sir."

"Stop fucking calling me sir dude." I yell annoyed.

"Sorry Boss." He said and quickly left.

I get out of bed and get ready for the day. Maybe I'll take Stephan to meet his uncle. Yeah we can do that.

I get on my intercom.

"Dria get Stephan ready we're going out for the day."

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