Sick - squad

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I was laying in bed. It was 5 in the morning and I woke up with a stuffy nose.
"Son of a bitch." I mumbled croakily.
I pulled a tissue from out of a box by my bed and blew my nose.
I sneezed, then blew my nose again.
After a half hour I was able to fall back asleep, having to breathe through my mouth.

12 PM

I got up out of bed and went downstairs.
"Morning." Shane said.
"Meh." I said, sneezing.
"You feeling okay?" Shane asked.
"No, I have a fuckin cold." I said plopping myself down on the couch.

"Aw, I'm sorry honey." Garrett said.
"Mm, yeah, it sucks." I said.
"Need me to get you some cold medicine?" Garrett asked
"Please." I said.
"Okay." Garrett said grabbing his keys and heading to the store.

Ryland walked over to me.
"If you want I can make you some chicken noodle soup." Ryland said.
"Yes please." I said shyly, as I smiled weakly.

Ryland nodded his headed and went to the kitchen and pulled out a can of soup and a pot. He heated the stove and started up the soup.

I sat on the couch and Shane brought me a blanket.
"Here." Shane said handing me the blanket.
"Thanks, Shane." I said.
"Yep, no problem. If you need anything else just let one of us know." Shane said.
"I feel weak and icky." I said tearing up.
"I know." Shane said sitting on the other side of the couch.

I smiled weakly as I leaned my head against the couch.

Garrett got back with the cold medicine and handed me the bottle.
"Thank you." I said groggily as I measured it and took it.
Garrett nodded his head and then took off his shoes.
He then sat down by me.
"Nooo. I dont wanna get you sick." I said.
Garrett scooted a few inches away. 

Ryland finished the soup and handed me a bowl.
"Thanks Ry." I said grabbing the bowl.
"Of course." Ryland said sitting down by Shane.

I half smiled weakly and took a bite of my soup.
"Wanna watch something?" Morgan asked me.
"Sure. How about Tangled?" I suggested
"Sounds good to me." Morgan said turning on the TV.
"I sorry you feel sicky." Morgan said.
"Me too." I said sneezing, then grabbing a tissue.

We sat ther for a while watching disney movies.

"Imma go take a nap." I said.
"Okay. See you later." Shane said.
"Yup" I said going up to bed.

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