Snacks - Whole Squad

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"Hey people. Haha. I got some complaints about saying guys and gals, something about gender roles." I said. "Anyway, today I'm doing a video with my brother and our friends where we eat a bunch of snacks. Now this intro.was filmed after the video, because, like an idiot, I forgot to film it. Things might get a little crazy."


"Okay, so I went to a ton of stores." Garrett said. "And found the weirdest snacks I could find. Then I bought good snacks, because I dont want to throw up."
"Really Garrett. I.... okay, whatever. It was gonna be trying new weird snacks, but let's go with it. Maybe, eating snacks while standing on my best friend's shoulder while everyone else is laughing." I said.
"Um, you'd break me." Garrett said.
Shane looked like he was about ready to murder Garrett.
"I will hurt you if you say something like that again." Shane said in a serious tone.
"Shane, chill! He was kidding. Okay, forget the video, Andrew, please turn off the camera." I said. He nodded his head, turned off the camera, and sat it down.
"What is your deal today?" I asked.
"It sounded like he was calling you fat." Shane said upset.
"I wouldnt do that." Garrett told him.
"I know, I'm just kind of on edge today. I dont know why." Shane told us.
"Hey, its fine" Ryland said rubbing Shane's shoulder.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"For what?" Morgan asked me.
"For starting this whole thing." I said.
"Hey, this isnt your fault. I shouldn't have said you'd break me." Garrett told me.
"It was just a dumb joke. No harm done. okay?" I said.
Garrett nodded his head.
"We better not let these snacks go to waste." Morgan said.
"Okay, let's watching movies and stuff ourselves so full of snacks if you punch us it flies out like a pinata." I said.
"Okay, let's not go to over board. We dont wanna get sick." Ryland said to us.
"You are such a mom Ryland. I love you." I said.
"Love ya too sis." Ryland told me. I smiled and then we all sat down on the couch and turned on Mean Girls and ate a bunch of snacks.

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