A cry for help - boys

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I sat in my room alone. Shane and Ryland were at Garrett's house working on a video for Shane's channel.
It was 1 am in the morning, and I was feeling like garbage and crying my face off. Not because of something anyone said, but it's because I have depression. It's such a struggle, and I hate it.
It keeps me up late into the night, and makes me just want to die. I was scared to tell Shane or Garrett what was happening, I dont know why.
I know that they would stand by me.
I know that they would comfort me and tell me it's okay.
I just, I don't know, I'm to scared to talk about it.
Garrett is my boyfriend and my bestfriend.
Shane is my brother, so for the love of God, why the hell cant I tell them.
Tears stained my face. My voice cracked everytime I tried to speak.
My tears were threatening to take away my breath. Honestly, at the moment, I wouldnt mind. I was feeling like I didnt want to live.
Garrett called, I was debating whether or not to pick up.
"Hey." Garrett said through the phone.
"Hey, why you calling this early?" I asked, voice cracking.
"I just, got a feeling in the pit of my stomach. Have you been crying?" Garrett asked.
"No...." I lied.
"Babygirl, are you okay?" Garrett asked me sweetly.
"I'm fine." I lied once more, I didnt want him to know. I dont want him to know how much I'm hurting, it's my burden to carry. Not his.
I love him, I cant have him worry.
"Sweet girl, are you sure? I can hear the tears in your voice." Garrett said.
"No, I'm not. I am so so far from okay. I dont want... I dont want to be alive anymore." I said honestly.
"Do you need me and Shane to come back?" He asked me.
I was going to say no, since I knew that they work working on a video, but, I was afraid, that if i was alone for to long, if i was alone in my head.
"Yeah, if it isnt a problem." I said.
"Of course it isnt, do you need me to stay on the phone until we get to you?" Garrett asked.
"Um, yeah. Please?" I said.
"Okay." Garrett said.
Garrett told me when he put his phone on speaker that he was in the car and was headed on his way.
Garrett kept on talking to me, Shane would occasionally say something, or ask me a question to make sure I was still alive, part of me hated that they didnt trust that i wouldnt just stay alive, but the other part of me understood.
Garrett made sure to tell me jokes, but he also made sure to reassure me that I'm amazing and whatever.
After 14 minutes, Garrett, Shane, and Ryland were here.
The instant they walked in, they saw me sitting down on the couch and they sat down with me. They saw that there was a scratch on my arm.
"Did you do that?" Shane asked teary eyed.
"No, I was trying to cuddle cheeto and he clawed my arm." I said.
"Oh, okay." Shane said.
"Why are you upset?" Garrett asked me.
"I dont know honey, I just am. Sometimes my depression just gets the best of me." I said.
"Just know, that you are enough. You are beautiful, you are kind, you are smart, and you are funny, no matter what those voices in your head say, you are loved and you are a badass motherfucker. You are a goddamn queen, dont let anyone tell you other wise. You are my sister, and we love you. I love you. Garrett loves you. Ryland loves you. Andrew loves you, and so does Morgan. Mom loves you too, okay? Any idiot that hates you, is just an idiot. You are a wonderful amazing person. Screw anyone who doesnt agree with that." Shane told me.
I was crying and they all pulled me into a hug.
Cheeto, Uno, and Honey all decided to sit with us on the couch. It was 4 am, and we were sitting in a group hug crying and laughing.
I was just glad I had them, because, lets face it, what the hell would i do without them?

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