Amber-Powered Thunder!!!

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(Gold's POV)

I think Yellow has just fallen asleep. I get to the top of the cave. Our Pokémon and Mewtwo follow us. 

We walk the top of the cave. Then I see a shooting star. I stop for a second and smile to myself. I then continue to walk. Pich and Chuchu seem to be catching up. They haven't seen each other for a while, despite the fact that I hang out with the dex holders a lot. 

See, my Pokémon copied my acts when I pushed everyone away. They were distant from their fellow Pokémon. 

It gets a little colder as we continue to walk. I take my cap off my head and placed it onto Yellow's head.

Then I see Arceus and the creation trio waiting for us. But there's a small problem. There's some height between the top of the cave and the ground. 

I'm about to wake Yellow up but I feel her arms tighten onto me.

I carefully get onto the cave wall. 

"Get to the ground!" I say to the others.

Mewtwo jumps over us. Explotaro carries Yellow's smaller Pokémon and her Raticate carries Manaphy. The others either fly, crawl down the wall, or just jump like Mewtwo did.

I'm about halfway down the cave wall when I cut my left thumb on the rocks. 

I get lower to the ground. I carefully place my left leg onto the ground and then jump off of the wall. 

I look up and the sun's starting to come up. 

"It's beautiful!" Yellow says, waking up.

She jumps off my back and starts walking.

Pich's Super-Rising Thunder is wearing off.

"Besides acting like an Electric Rod, what does Super-Rising Thunder do?" Yellow asks me.

(Yellow's POV)

"Well, before it was just a volt tackle." Gold responds. "But when I ran away, I taught Pich how to change the move! The reason we didn't use it from before was because there's actually another part to it. The move is meant to be an attack, like Thunder. Pich tried it out but it fainted in doing so... it did beat some Pokémon though.

"So you're saying that the move is YOUR move?" I ask.

"Well, thanks to Pich's determination, it got to learn it."

"Pich did evolve though. So maybe it can use it in its evolved form!" I suggest.

Gold thinks about it. "We can quickly teach YOU how to use it with Chuchu and master the attack itself!"

I command Chuchu to use Volt Tackle on Pich. Gold tells it to use Super-Rising Thunder.

Pich glows like it did when it used its move.

"Alright," Gold says. "hit that rock!!" 

Pich releases a gigantic Thunder at the rock. The rock was destroyed.

But Pich looks tired. 

"Looks like Pich got stronger!" Gold says as he smiles. "You no longer faint while using it! You just take a little bit of damage. Okay, Yellow. Chuchu will have to be hit by an electric type attack!"

Pich uses Thundershock on Chuchu. Before it hits it, Chuchu glows just little bit!

Although, Chuchu seems to be slightly damaged. 

I quickly heal it. Gold commands Pich to use it again.

Chuchu glows a little bit more than last time. But it's still damaged! I again, heal it.

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