An Evolution And Another Ally...

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(Yellow's POV)

Gold breaks the hug. 

"So how did I get my voice back?" Gold asks.

"Arceus used some unknown power to restore it!" I respond.

"Heh, thanks, Arceus!" Gold says as he turns towards it. "So this is the distortion world, huh?"

"It's so mysterious!" I say. I feel a small chill pass through my body. "But we can't stay here for too long! We need to save the others!"

"Arceus! Please, bring us back to our world. But nowhere near the legendary Pokémon!" Gold requests.

This time, Palkia creates the portal.

We enter it and we're in some weird cave. Then I recognize it! 

"We're in the Cerulean Cave!" I say.

"There doesn't seem to be any Pokémon here though!" Gold says. "They're probably scared to death!"

(Gold's POV)

"We're not alone!" I say. "Something else is here!" 

Pich jumps off my head and looks ahead of us.

I see something in the corner of my eye. It's an attack! 


Everyone does so and an explosion appears right where we were!

It's Mewtwo! It's trying to hit Pich now!!

Pich is dodging its attacks.

But then Mewtwo hits Pich against the cave wall. Pich can't get up.

I take out all my Pokémon and then run to Pich.

"Gold!" Yellow screams.

Mewtwo's about to finish Pich!

I jump in and grab Pich before it was too late. My injured arms hurting even more than ever! 

"It's alright, Pich." I say. I can't get up.

Mewtwo's standing before us and is powering up a move.

I cover Pich within my arms. Then Pich starts glowing!!

Mewtwo releases its attack but it disintegrated. The whole cave is a bright blue.

I feel Pich getting taller. Then it stops glowing and it's a Pikachu now!! It still has our signature hair style!

Yellow gets in front of me. Mewtwo trusts Yellow so it stops attacking. Yellow is explaining to Mewtwo about something. I don't know what though.

I let go of Pich as it runs to Chuchu. They're interacting and I can tell Chuchu is proud.

I try getting up but my legs are hurting too!

Yellow pushes me against the cave wall and starts healing. I feel the pain slowly go away. It was like seeing my mother again which killed my mental pain.

After some time, Yellow has finished.

"Thank you, Yellow!" I say.

"Oh, Gold, there's no need to!" Yellow says.

"Yellow, please. Just accept it!" I say while smiling.

Then Mewtwo sticks its left hand out. I know what this means. It trusts me! I take it and Mewtwo pulls me up gently. 

We then exit Cerulean Cave. It's dark out. It's scary out. No one in Cerulean City seems to be here! The house lights are off... in EVERY building!"

Yellow yawns. 

"Hey, Yellow!" I say. "You tired?"

"A little bit." Yellow responds.

I place my backpack onto her back. Then I grab Yellow as I give her a piggyback ride!

She puts her arms around my neck.

"You didn't need to do this, Gold..." Yellow says in her softest voice.

"You need your rest!" I say. "Also, I owe you one."

(Yellow's POV)

This feels nice. I never knew Gold was THIS affectionate without being a pervert!

"Chuchu," I say. "use Volt Tackle on Pich!"

"Super Rising Thunder." Gold says softly.

Chuchu attacks Pich and then Pich lights up, acting like a portable light.

"Do you want to learn that move with Chuchu?" Gold asks.

"I'd love too!"I say, happily!

We now have to face Mt. Moon.

"We'll climb it!" Gold says.

"I'll get off then." I say as I start to descend from Gold.

"Yellow, this is not for being a pervert. It's fine! I got this. Get some rest so we can save Red and the others! Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, fly over this cave and we'll meet you there on the other side."

I take out my other Pokémon and say "Protect us if there's any danger!"

"You do the same!" Gold says to his.

"Hold on to me tightly!" Gold says.

I do as he says and he climbs the cave. 

Our Pokémon follow, along with Mewtwo!

After some time, I think I fall asleep.

Thank, you Gold!

To be continued...

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