Chapter Four

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i. Laying Low

"Maybe it's just that you're not ready to let go of her, for even a short time," Clara said softly, "I mean, Hugo's a few months older than Trystan, but I still can't be to far away from him for any given amount of time."

Cassandra shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe."

If she was being completely honest, that lie of a response was only given in order to placate Clara. Clara was one of the palace maids, and one of Cass's few childhood friends. She was a sweet, understanding, yet quiet woman who had started her family just five months before Cass did.

"Where is Pete, anyways?" Cass asked suddenly, her mind choosing that moment to realize that the guard was nowhere near his wife and son.

Clara blinked. "Huh? Oh, yes; your father organized a team to investigate Old Corona for 'suspicious activity'"-- she released one of her hands from her hold on Hugo in order to use air quotes here-- "and Pete was one of the members of that team."


Cass nodded. "Makes sense."

Just then, Trystan began to wail in Cass's arms.

"Guess that's my cue to head back to my room," Cass said softly, "it was nice talking with you, Clara."

Clara grinned at Cassandra. "You too, Cass. Remember, if you ever need anything, just let me know."

Cass nodded. "I know. Thank you."

With those words, she turned and began to head back to her room... Only to be stopped by Varian.

"Hey, Cassie," he began in a cheerful manner, "I was wondering if you'd care to join me on a few quick errands around town today...?"

"As great as that sounds, Varian," Cass responded, sounding bitter and sarcastic, "I can't. I'm trying to get away from everything and just focus on Trystan."

Varian raised an eyebrow. "Is this... Is this about whatever it was that happened in Old Corona."

"... Maybe."

"Tell me," he said softly, "tell me what happened."

"And why would I do that? Seriously, what's it matter to you?"

"I... I just want to help you out."

Cass felt like exploding, bursting out in anger. Didn't he see that she didn't want or need anything from him?! Besides, what good could he do her?

"Unless you can stop disembodied voices of someone's ex from haunting them, I don't know how you could ever help me out."

Varian froze. "Would... Would you care to elaborate on that?"

Cassandra huffed in frustration, pushing past Varian in order to continue on her quest to her bedroom.

Cassandra just wanted to scream. She was growing antsy from staying inside for too long, but... She was afraid of what she had experienced in Old Corona, afraid of what her encounter then might mean for her later on in the future.

She had just found a routine, a little niche for herself... And now change was coming. Too much of it, and all at once.

But still... There was a part of her that longed for adventure, a curious side that constantly looked to be satiated. A part of her that wanted to know exactly what was going on, and why. And that part wasn't going to rest until everything had been figured out and put to rest.

So she spent most of her morning and early afternoon scouring encyclopedias and other such books that she had retrieved from the library, searching for a logical explanation, any logical explanation,  for what happened while she was out in Old Corona. But she came up completely empty.

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