Chapter One

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i. Reunion

Cassandra could hear the footsteps coming ear her, though they were fairly faint. She prided herself on a lot of things, her hearing included. She turned slightly to face her visitor, half expecting it to either be her father or Rapunzel.

She was not expecting it to be Varian.

What was he doing, walking free?

Cass slightly tightened her grip on young Trystan, unsure of what exactly was going on... And not quite willing to relax until she was certain that no harm would come to anyone. Especially not her daughter.


Hearing his voice brought back so many memories. Some good. Some bad.

Varian's basement lab, the purple goo that was meant to trap raccoons, but ended up trapping herself and Rapunzel. The explosions in Old Corona, caused by his inventions. Her instinctually saving him because... Well, she didn't exactly know.

The great science exposition, where he had greeted her as she hung the banner up. Him helping her with her chores in exchange for her help later, presenting his new invention. All the chaos that had ensued when she had to turn him down.

The sound of his feet running through the palace halls, frantically trying to get Rapunzel's help. Watching him be dragged away by the guards, still yelling.

The effects of the purple cookies. The battle of Old Corona. Watching him get put into a prison cart and heading back to Corona.

She shuddered a little at the memories. Not many of them were terribly pleasant, that was for sure.


No more words between them for a moment or two, during which Varian took a seat right next to Cass, much to her chagrin.

"Hey, Cass," he said finally, breaking the silence, "it's been awhile."

Couldn't he just leave her be?

Maybe if she answered with simple words or phrases... Maybe he'd give up.

So far, that was not how her luck was going to end up treating her.

"It has."

Varian's gaze landed on baby Trystan, still nestled in her mother's arms. "And... Who's this?"

"This is Trystan," Cass said, "she... She's my daughter."

With those three words, Varian could feel his heart sink. Of course Cassandra had gotten married and had a baby; she wasn't his to have, after all. She could make decisions, live her life, all on her own. Besides, it was hardly as if he would've been a contender, even if he hadn't been in prison for the past four years.

"She's beautiful, Cass," he murmured softly, "you and your husband must be so proud."

Cassandra frowned. Did he... Did he know about what had happened? About Vince? Was he trying to poke fun at her?

Somehow, she could sense that he wasn't trying to do anything of the sort. Maybe it was something in his voice, or in his soft smile, or his wide, blue eyes... Something in that managed to convince her that Varian was being genuine in the moment.

"I am proud," she admitted after a moment or two, "and I love her to death."

She paused before continuing. "Her father's entirely out of the picture now. I don't care what he thinks of her."

So much so that I never even told him.

"Can I... Can I hold her?"

Cassandra hesitantly handed her baby girl over to Varian, who took her gently. It took her a moment to get used to the transition, but when she did, she curled up into his chest.

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