Chapter Three

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i. Doubt Comes In

Cassandra didn't even bother saying good-bye to Varian that evening. She was desperate to get back to Trystan, and to make sure that her little girl was okay. Hearing Vince's voice while in Old Corona, and hearing him mention their-- no, her-- daughter like that, despite the fact that everyone inside of the palace had taken every possible precaution to ensure the fact that Vince never found out about Trystan... That was enough to put Cassandra completely on edge.

She was more than relieved when her father opened the door, little Trystan nestled in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Dad," she said quietly, "but... I can't. I need... I need to have her near me."

Kade could sense the tension within Cassandra, could see and hear the slight... Panic that she now exhibited. Only a few hours to herself, and now...

Something drastic must have happened.


Cass shook her head. "No. I... I can't. Please, just... Give her to me."

Kade reluctantly handed Trystan over, and Cassandra cradled her close.

"Thank you, Dad."

Kade simply nodded. "Good night, Cassandra."

"So... You somehow managed to control the Moon Stone? It didn't reject you or something to that degree?"

Cassandra snorted. "I'm still here, aren't I?"

Vince smiled. "I suppose you bring a fair point."

Cass glanced over at him, smiling too. Thus far, sober Vince was much better than the Vince that she was fairly used to. She had finally gotten him to go sober, and it was turning out to be completely worth it. In fact... She was actually enjoying herself.

"You know," Vince said suddenly, "there are legends about the Moon. And about one who can harness its powers."

Cass snorted again. "No kidding."

Even if she hadn't learned all that she did about the Sun and the Moon on the journey outside of the Corona walls, the fact wouldn't have surprised her in the slightest. After all, there had been legends about the Sun long before the princess herself had become associated with it.

Vince looked at her. "Do you know any of them, then?"

Cassandra shook her head, and Vince chuckled.

"There are many, many legends," he admitted, "but my personal favorite has to do with the Children of the Sun and Moon."

Cass sounded skeptical as she said: "the Children of the Sun and Moon?"

"Yes. As everyone is well aware now, both the Sun and the Moon gave different gifts to the earth. The Sun sent down a single drop that created a flower. The Moon sent a Stone. Legend has it that the two items would each find a person-- a young child-- to inhabit for all of their life."

Cass thought for a moment. "If that's true, then the Child of the Sun would be--"

"Rapunzel, yes," Vince agreed, "the powers of the Sun Flower instantly went to her, considering the fact that she was only a young child at the time."

Cass nodded. Years ago, she might have dismissed this all as a load of crap. But after meeting Rapunzel, after hearing of-- and occasionally witnessing-- her connection to the Sun... She was more than willing to hear this kind of thing out.

Step by StepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora