Chapter 5 The Mine of Moria

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The Fellowship makes their way through a misty valley. Haraldur walks next to Frodo; he places an arm around the Hobbit, “How are you feeling, Frodo, how is your shoulder?”

Frodo rolls his shoulder, “It pains me a little but not too much.”

“And the Ring? You feel its power going, do you not?” Haraldur asks.

Frodo nods.

“I too can feel it, no doubt Gandalf can as well. You must be careful now, Frodo. As the power of the Ring grows, evil will be drawn to you from outside the Fellowship, and I fear from within,” Haraldur tells him.

Frodo looks at Haraldur, worried, “Who do I trust?”

“You must trust yourself, trust in your strength,” Gandalf says as he reaches Frodo's other side. Haraldur nods.

Frodo looks between the two wizards and nods. Frodo doesn't fully understand but knows deep down that they are right. Up ahead, Gimli pauses and points, “Ah, the mines of Moria.”

In front of them, a tremendous sheer flat cliff face appears. Gimli walks up to it and taps it with his ax, “Dwarf doors are invisible when closed.”

“Yes, Gimli! Their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten!”

Legolas scoffs, “Why doesn't that surprise me.” Legolas says as he walks past Haraldur.

Gimli gives out an angry huff, and Haraldur's eyes narrow. Haraldur discreetly waves his hand, casting a tripping jinx, making the Elf stumble. Gimli snorts, “So much for the grace of Elves.”

Frodo looks at Haraldur, who winks at him.

Gandalf stops and rubs his hand over a smooth part of the wall, “Ah, now let me see.... Ithildin. It mirrors only starlight,” Gandalf looks up as the clouds clear, “And moonlight.”

As he speaks, the patterning on the door shines brightly, revealing an ornate door, with elvish writing above it on the arch.  Gimli looks in awe.  Gandalf points at the script with his staff.

Gandalf reads, “The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria, Speak Friend and Enter.”

“What does that mean,” Merry asks.

“It's quite simple, If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open.”

“Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen!” (Gate of the Elves, open now for me!)

Pippin grins when nothing happens. Gandalf looks confused and tries again, “Fennas Nogothrim, lasto beth lammen.” (Doorway of the Dwarf-folk, listen to the word of my tongue.)

Still, nothing happens; Gandalf continues to try for a while longer. Meanwhile, Pippin and Merry are tossing rocks into the lake. Haraldur grabs Pippin's hand before he throws another stone into the water.

“Do not disturb the water.”

Gandalf throws down his staff, “Oh, it's useless.”

Frodo stares at the door for a moment then turns to Gandalf. “What's the word for friend in elvish?”


With that word, an enormous crack is heard, and the doors swing open.  Gandalf chuckles. Gimli removes his pipe from his mouth and looks around. The Fellowship gets up as Gandalf leads the way through the doors, placing a crystal at the top of his staff. Aragorn looks backward at the lake before entering.

“Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the legendary hospitality of the dwarves. Roaring fires! Malt Beer! Red Meat off the bone! This, my friends, is the home of our cousin Thorin III Stonehelm and they call it a Mine!”

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