Chapter 4 Magic Rules

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The Fellowship began their long journey South towards the Gap of Rohan. The first night the setup camp, The Fellowship watched as Haraldur walked around the camp, waving his hands and muttering to himself.

“What's he doing,” Merry asked.

“He is setting up protective wards around the camp, so we are not disturbed by any animals or enemy, while we sleep,” Gandalf explained.

“And do they work?” Pippin asked.

“Of course, they work. Haraldur has used those wards several times when we have gone hunting or on patrol.” Gimli said indignantly.

“Still, I would feel better if we had someone on watch,” Legolas says.

“You doubt my cousin's magic,” Gimli asks.

“No, Master Dwarf, this is only an extra precaution.”

Gimli narrowed his eyes and was about to protest, but Haraldur placed a hand on Gimli's shoulder.

“That's alright, Gimli. If the elf wants to waste his time, let him. It is his choice.”

Gimli looks at Haraldur and smirks. Both Dwarves set up their bedrolls for the night then gather wood for the fire. Afterward, Haraldur lights the fire.


Fire bursts from his hand, startling Sam, who is having a hard time lighting the fire. He looks up at Haraldur in amazement. Haraldur smiles down at the little Hobbit.

Sam comes out of his stupor and gets to work, making dinner. Meanwhile, Haraldur and Gimli sit down, take their pipes out, and begin to smoke. As the night goes on, The Fellowship suddenly hears noises coming from the dark. Aragorn and the others arm themselves and wait for their attackers.

“Bandits,” Legolas whispers.

Aragorn grips his sword tighter. Suddenly the band of bandits comes out of the dark, but they pause. The bandits look around as if confused then wander away.

Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, and the Hobbits look at each other, “What happened?” Sam asks.

“Haraldur's wards repelled the bandits,” Gandalf tells them.

Aragorn looks at Haraldur, “Can they not see our fire?”

“No, they cannot, we are invisible to them,” Haraldur informs him.

Haraldur grins while Aragorn gawks at him. Haraldur walks back to his bedroll and lies down and goes to sleep next to a snoring Gimli. Gandalf smiles at the others, “Well, I think we should follow the Dwarves example and get some sleep. Legolas, the wards that Haraldur has put up, have proven themselves. I do not think you must stand watch,” Gandalf tells the Mirkwood Prince.

Legolas and Aragorn look at each other. Aragorn places a hand on Legolas' shoulder, “Gandalf is right; why don't you get some sleep, my friend.”

“I'll keep watch anyway.”

“Suit yourself,” Aragorn tells him then retires to his bedroll.

The next day as breakfast is being prepared, Merry and Pippin practice their swordplay with Boromir, “Get away from the blade, Pippin, on your toes. Good, very good. I want you to react, not think,” Boromir tells him.

“That shouldn't be too hard,” Sam says.

“Move your feet,” Boromir tells him.

“Quite good, Pippin,” Merry says.

While this is going on, Gimli corners Gandalf, “If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which I note that they're not, I'd say that we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria.  Our cousin Thorin III Stonehelm would give us a royal welcome.”

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