Chapter 10

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"(Y/n) we need you in the kitchen." Her deep slumber was cut short by the harsh voice of Lysander. "No." She groaned in response to the blonde. "Once again, it wasn't a question, it was an imperative." He bluntly stated. "But it's like... 5:30 am!" She whined whilst looking at her clock. "School only starts at 8:30, not even I need three hours to get ready!" She continued to screech much to the lapis eyed boys boredom.

"Get up. Before I have to make you get up." He groaned, his voice laced with disdain. But the (H/c) haired girl still did not budge. Sighing the boy wandered over to the bed and planted himself on the edge. His face showed no emotion as his hands began travelling closer to the girls stomach. Confusion filled the girls mind, he wouldn't punch her, would he?

Unconsciously she let out a string of giggles as his fingers gently traveled up and down her side. "Ok, ok I give up! I'll come!" She begged for mercy. "That's what I thought," he said in what, if she wasn't mistaken a light hearted chuckle. Perhaps he actually did have a soul! "Come on then," he said in an unusually gentle tone whilst grabbing her hand and pulling her from the bed.

"Ezra's cooking pancakes," Lysander returned to his usual factual tone, creating a slightly awkward feeling in the room, which (Y/n), still being in her pyjamas, certainly didn't help. "Ok." She replied, not quite sure what else to say.

The blonde haired boy felt like he was stuck inside a burning house, the blood inside his veins felt as if it was going to boil. He'd never even imagined that this feeling could exist, he almost emitted a bitter laugh. What was he thinking, he was Lysander Mayberry and who was she some random girl. But she wasn't random. She was perfect, gorgeous, intelligent amazing and this feeling certainly wasn't random. All he wanted was to hug her, forever and ever, but he couldn't. No he couldn't. His family would not approve. A deep feeling of sorrow washed over him. You were supposed to love family. But his... his certainly didn't love him and the feeling was mutual. It wasn't like he didn't try. He did, he really did, but no matter what he did he did, he could never please them. When he was little he used to spend hours learning how to play instruments, hours training at football, rugby, hockey, gymnastics, swimming and hours studying. But it was never enough.

"Lysander?" The girl he was thinking of quietly questioned. "What!" He snapped, angry to have been caught off guard. His face was a bright red colour and his azure eyes seemed puffy. Sighing the (H/c) (H/l) girl walked over to him and delicately wrapped her arms around the boy.

It was not long until tears came streaming out of the boys teal orbs. They stayed like that for around five minutes before the girl tried to pull away, as she felt awkward and uncomfortable in his grasp. "Lysander, let go we need to go eat our pancakes remember?" She gently tried to reason with the boy, who's grip was beginning to become suffocating. "Lysander wake up, we need to go." She attempted once more, but Lysander didn't budge. "Lysander if you don't let me go this instance I will scream!" The girl angrily stated. Lysander didn't move. "Fine" she murmured. "HELP!" She shouted at the top of her voice, but to her dismay Lysander got off her just before an extremely angry red head entered the room.

"Why the hell were you screaming?" he questioned, his golden optics filled with wage. "Lysander wasn't letting go of me and I wanted to leave, so I screamed." She stated her voice full of fear. "Why would I ever want to hug a common idiot like her?" The blonde haired boy slyly spat. Meanwhile Ezra's face was beginning to heat up. "You listen to me, as you've caused this much inconvenience, not to mention lying, you will not be allowed to speak for the entire day, I will be notifying the school of this and if any of them hear you speak, then they will have the right to choose any punishment that they see fit. Understand?" He barked ill intent oozing from his voice. "Yes that sounds like a good punishment, none of us will have to hear her whiny voice again, for the day!" Lysander stated in his usual monotone voice.

"Sit there." Lysander pointed to an oak chair sat at the end of the table. The girl saw no point in arguing and with the blackmail she was receiving, she was really in no place to talk back. Quietly she sat down, not looking up at the four boys, all of which were gathered around the table.

"Now I'm assuming you all heard the scream?" Ezra icily spoke, to which he received nods from the others. "Well (Y/n) here decided that she felt the need to try and incriminate Lysander for something she didn't do, which is absolutely unacceptable. We are the house leaders, we are the most important people in the school! She is houseless, she is the least important person in the school and therefore for this disrespect, she must be punished. I have decided that she is not allowed to speak and if she does, anyone who hears her can do anything they like to her! Please can you make sure everyone knows." The fire house leader ended his speech. Desperately the (H/c) haired girl looked around, pleading with her eyes that one of them would refuse, but all they did was nod.

"On another note, I've talked to the Principal, and that old man told me we are having two weeks which will be like the 70's, no WiFi no signal!" Akira joyfully stated. (Y/n) however felt no joy at this statement. She wouldn't be able to call her parents for two weeks, she'd have nowhere to go to escape the reality of Rosewood academy. Hot, salty tears began to splash down her face. "Don't cry (Y/n)! This is going to be super fun and you don't need anyone who's not already here, so stop crying right now!" Akira's voice become more and more manic with every word he spoke.

Quickly the girl got up and ran to her room, ignoring the four boys who were now screeching her name at the top of their lungs, ordering that she came back. As soon as she saw her bed, she collapsed. She couldn't stay here anymore. Quickly she grabbed her phone to text her parents to come and collect her, however much to her dismay the signal was already gone. As soon as these two weeks were over she'd call them and leave for good.

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