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I didn't expect that Jimin would be sending me not just his address but the passcode to his unit, telling me that he would be sleeping by the time that I come to prepare his breakfast. He doesn't want to wake up earlier to welcome me because he said that he's hungry as soon as he wakes up.

But the greatest surprise for me is the grandeur of his condo unit. The lobby of the condo itself was promising, looking like it was some sort of hotel, but I didn't expect his unit to be twice the size of my own. The interiors were minimalist and clean.

The simplicity of the designs was the opposite of the technologies he was using. I've spent half an hour just from learning how the machines in his kitchen would work. For a moment, I felt like I was Rey of Star Wars, trying to figure out how to run the Millenium Falcon.

After that long struggle, I was able to start doing his requested Bibimbap breakfast and a smile appeared in my face when I finished all the preparations. I brought out the plates as I was about to set up the dining table, but when I turned to the door, I found Jimin watching me with all the bed hair and stuff.

I almost dropped the plate that I was holding in shock.

"You should have let me know you're there," I told him.

"What did you expect? Me sneaking to give you a back hug while preparing breakfast?" he asked.

"No," I muttered, "At least saying 'good morning' would do."

"Good morning, then," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes in reply before passing by him to get to the dining table. I told him to settle down on his seat as I prepared his food. It didn't take long before I presented him all my hard work and I saw the glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Thanks for the food!"

He started eating with a small smile in his lips, as if he was a child who would be eating his mom's dishes for the first time again after years. I merely watched him, as if he was doing some Mukbang but my stares might've made him uncomfortable.

"Why are you not eating?" he asked.

"I'm full. I've already eaten my breakfast," I answered before commenting, "You look so happy with just one meal."

"I've been eating ordered foods for long," he replied, "The last time someone cooked for me probably was when I was still staying at home and the maids prepare the food."

"How about your mom?" I probed.

"Too busy," he shrugged.

"There are companies online who can cook food for you and they can deliver," I suggested.

"It's not really the food that I like," Jimin whispered, "It's the thought that someone cooks for you."

I stared at him before letting my gaze roam around his unit. The view from the windows of his unit was astonishing – he was on one of the highest floors. But all the magnificence now seemed empty after hearing the loneliness in between his words.

"So how much are you planning to pay me this month?" he digressed.

I sighed before frowning, "No matter how much I compute, I can only give you two-fifty per month."

He chuckled, and I somehow felt offended that he was laughing at my ability to earn. I glared at him but that somehow amused him even more.

"Two-fifty per month," he repeated, "I guess you'd be receiving annoying texts from me for three years."

"At least you know that your texts are annoying," I retorted.

"You can make breakfasts for me like this on the weekends," he suggested, "That'd give you $200 per week, $800 per month. Then you can just pay me $200 more and you'd still be lessening $1000 every month from your debt."

I was silent for a moment, getting confused with his oral computation. I took my time to understand his suggestion and after a while, I nodded as I said, "Then I can pay you off in just ten months."

"Exactly," he nodded back, "So what do you think?"

"You'd really be paying me $100 per breakfast?" I asked, "For the mere thought of someone cooking for you?"

"And for the taste," he corrected, "You cook well."

I tried to control my smile for I haven't heard someone compliment my cooking for long. Hell. It's been long since I last cooked for someone. Probably two years long. I sighed as I realized that my breakup with Jungkook marked so much things in my life – not just being single once again.


AN: Please don't forget to vote!

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