Chapter 13: Recording

Start from the beginning

Ariana's P.O.V

If I keep waking up in the middle of the night by another phone call ima die.Good thing I brought a jacket because it's raining outside and it's like 43 degrees.New York is still beautiful though,I can't lie about that.It was 2:18 and I just walked down stairs to the lobby,and you'll never guess who was down there...The creepy blonde chick,I don't even think she gets rest.

A: So..Do you like working here?

U: Ehh

A: Nice...What's your name?

U: Read my name tag.

A: I can't see it

U: Well I'm to lazy to move my hair

A: Umm,Okay then

U: Yeah,I think your rides here.

A: Yeah me too

U: And my names Crystal

A: Hi,Crystal

C: Hi...Ariana

A: *Smiles*

Honestly she needs some Jesus in her life.Michael walked in with a Blanket in his hands an wrapped it around me and pushed me outside.I wasn't sure what was happening,he didn't even say hi to me.

A: Hi,Michael

M: Hey

A: Are you okay?

M: I'm fine,Why?

A: Well,your pretty quite.

M: Yeah,I get like that sometimes.

A: Did you sleep good?

M: Yeah,I guess I did.

A: That's good *Smiles*

M: *Smiles*

A: Am I ever going to see your face

M: You might

A: When?

M: Someday.

A: Cool.

M: Oh,Here's my number,so you can call if you need a ride.

A: Thanks

M: Anytime,Ariana

The rest of the car ride was silent,I was just thinking about the lyrics of the song.I can't wait for everyone to hear it,I might even have another song on my mind.

Scooter P.O.V

I've been at the studio for a couple hours,waiting for Ariana to show up.I went on my phone to make sure everyone's life is on track.As always something bad always has to happen to Justin.

*Ariana walks in*

S: Have you talked to Justin?

A: No,Why did something happen?!?

S: Yes,and I don't know if he heard the news or how he feels about it.

A: I don't even know what's happening

S: So,you know how Justin and Selena are "not" dating.

A: Yeah

S: Well,I guess now Selena and Austin Mahone are dating.

A: Why'd she move on so fast?!?

S: Don't ask me...Okay,enough about Justin,lets talk about you now. *Smiles*

A: Alright

S: So what's the song name?

A: I'm not sure yet

S: Okay then...Do you have any type of beat for it?

A: No,I just have words

S: Okay we can start there.

A: Should I write them down?

S: Yes,I would

A: I don't think I came here prepared *Laughs*

S: It's alright,just ask for some advice from someone whose done this forever

A: I'm ready to record this song!!

S: Let's start *Claps hands together*

Ariana was in the booth for about an hour and finished half the song.She came out and was talking about who she wanted featured on the song.She wanted The Weeknd,I gave her his number,and he said he'll be down in 4 days.

S: Your song is starting off good,but is the rest of the song gonna be good *Laughing*

A: Your really mean *Giggles*

S: You know i'm kidding

A: Yeah I know *Laughs*

S: We should all head home,we've been here long enough.

A: Should I go home or just stay here?

S: Honestly whatever you want to do.

A: Okay...See ya'll later *Smiles*

S: Bye,see you in a couple days

A: *Walks outside and calls Michael*


Okay I wanted to update for you guys,bc I know you've all been waiting for a month and i'm sorry for that.

This chapter is sorta long,but short anyway....Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving

And Thank You Thank You for the 1k reads it means so much I love you guys more than I love myself

Hope you like the chapter,more soon

Tell me what you think and vote for my story please ;)


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