"Hey Vitton!" She called, waving her shopping bags around in the air. Niall beside me was practically gasping for air. She was an incredibly attractive young woman if I do say so myself (which, of course, I always do).

"Hey! I missed you so much- hugs?" I said, beaming hopefully. She didn't even think about it, like Harry had to last night before bed.

"I missed you lots, but Niall missed you more- he's been dying for Nando's all night, and we played rock paper scissors and you lost so you have to go with." I said happily. She pulled away from the hug.

"Louis- I can't lose a game of rock paper scissors if I haven't even played!" She laughed.

"Well, you did, so go get ready for your date- I mean, to go with my good, amazing, smart, funny, Irish, little friend, who happens to be really handome, and I think I heard from somewhere that he was really good in be-"

"LOUIS- no M-Mel-anie, you don't have to go, I was just bugging Lou..." he said, blushing and scratching the back of his head. Melanie giggled.

"No, I want to go!" She said cheerily, "Unless you don't want me to....because then I ca-"

"NO!" Niall shouted waving his hands. Smooth- I snickered in the backround while he turned bright red again. "I mean, no, I don't mind if you go with...me."

"Alright then, I'll just go touch up my makeup then!"

"Why? You already look amazing!" Niall said before he could stop himself. I swear his ears were the colour of cherries. "I mean- yea, okay, meet you down here."

I laughed- those two were so  cute.



"So what's been bothering you mate?" I asked him finally. He hadn't been himself all day, and now we were on our way home at nearly midnight and he was still all quiet and daydreamy. He didn't answer right away, and for a moment I wondered if he would at all.

"It's Lou....well, no its not. Well...I don't know." He said.

"You think it might have anything to do with Mel?" I asked. He looked at me guiltily out of the corner of his eye.

"Maybe...." he siged. "It's just that....I haven't had a moment with him to myself in two weeks, and I'm the jealous type, and...I don't know- he's always so....happy around her. Like, Louis is really happy always, but really happy around Melanie. When she walks into the room, he lights up. Yesterday he even jumped off me to go cuddle with her. I can't help but get jealous, because Louis has admitted he's not gay- he's Hazsexual- that's not gay. That's straight, with the exception of me. And Melanie is...really pretty. Gorgeous even. And so kind and loving and funny, just like Louis. How can I compete with that when he's not even gay? Best friends always turn into something more." He gave a lot more information than I was expecting, and I was surprised with all of this.

"Harry...." I began, not sure what to say to ease his mind completely. "Louis loves you wholeheartedly, everyone sees that. He's glued to you almost always- and he has been really upset that you have been ignoring him lately. Melanie is just his friend bro- that's all she is to him. I think Hazsexual is not straight with you as the exception- I think its you period. If anything its Asexual with the exception of you." I smiled to try and cheer him up, and he gave me a halfhearted grin.

"Yeah, I think you might be right. Its just the past and my relationships...well, the past has showed me that these feelings towards other guys don't...work out. I don't want to get hurt again." He said, shrugging.

"Louis would never do anything to hurt anyone- especially you. Don't worry!" I said, pulling in the the carpark.

We walked into Harry and Lou's flat, and Louis was sitting on Melanie kissing her face all over the place- playful, quick smooches that were mostly about slobbering on her face and making her laugh- which was working. She was laughing and screaming for him to get off, pushing him away.

"Nope! Not until you tell me that you love me as much as I love you you silly crazy girl!" Louis laughed. "And that you love Niall!"

"Alright Alrighht I do!" She said. He finally got up and they laughed, only noticing Harry and my own presence once everything had calmed down. I looked at Harry, knowing that that little scene, no matter how joking it was, might have just ruined the whole talk I had had with him.

"I'm tired. Night." Harry said, walking away. I couldn't see his face, but I'm pretty sure I didn't need to to know how he was feeling. And from the look on Louis' face, he might have known too.


 I wouldnt blame me if you hated me for taking so long, and never read any more, but i promise not to take so damn long next time

i have legit reasons though i swear,

though theyre kinda personal, so you'll just have to trust me on that! :P



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