"It's driving me crazy. Am I missing something??" Namjoon asked to himself gripping the sides of his hair. Jungkook grabbed his wrists to get the leader to release his hair before he wound up pulling every strand out.

"Kook, is Taehyung.. off? I mean, like really off? Like mental? Illness? Has he always been that way and just hasn't shown it? Or maybe he has. Multiple times and I've just... never paid attention? Or- or- Maybe.. Maybe I was just too oblivious to this behavior-"

Jungkook placed both his hands on either side of his hyung's face gently forcing the other to look directly into his eyes. Jungkook shook his head slowly. "It's alright. Namjoon-hyung, he's just.. V-hyung. He just went too far this time." He spoke calmly.

Namjoon's face began to redden and he forced back the tears that were pricking his eyes. Jungkook knew why Namjoon was like this now. He'd started blaming himself for V's actions. Thinking to himself what he could've done to save the singer from the state he was in. Namjoon felt that he'd missed some signs maybe. Didn't help V when he needed it.

"No. Don't you dare cry. Hyung, we tell you, all the time, to stop blaming yourself for what happens to us.. to ARMY. You can't just keep taking all of this on yourself. You didn't fail him. It's not your fault he does what he does. You are not responsible for his actions. I won't let you be." Jungkook exclaimed wiping the small droplets of tears that slipped down Namjoon's face.

Namjoon let out a breathe to calm himself. He shut his eyes trying to recollect his thoughts. He felt coolness brush passed his face again and he knew that Jungkook had removed his hands. They sat in silence listening to each other's soft breathing. "I brush off alot of things.. you know.." Namjoon started staring down at his hands. Jungkook listened intensely wide eyes studying his leader's face closely.

"From Jimin's affection, that can somewhat go too far, to Jin-hyung's subtle advances towards me; to you, always seemingly being around whenever I'm in my boxers. I take on those things, because it's you. It's all of you. If those things you all do makes you happy, you're damn right I wouldn't mind it. I'd do anything to make you all happy. I'd do any for you.. for ARMY, but you know this already.."

"I do." Jungkook replied.

Namjoon looked up to meet the maknae's eyes. His face was as serious as ever. "What makes him happy though?"

"I could show you." A smooth, deep voice replied from the doorway. Both Jungkook's and Namjoon's gaze shot towards it landing onto the singer. V tilted his head chewing on a straw. "I missed you. You'll come back to me tonight, right?" Taehyung asked sweetly taking a step towards the pair.


"Right? You said you'd only sleep out for a night. You did. That's what he said, didn't he?" Taehyung asked nodding towards Jungkook whom stood abruptly.

"Don't we have to all meet in the practice room in a bit?" Jungkook said. Taehyung shrugged. "Do we?" He asked mockingly. Jungkook poked at his cheek with his tongue feeling annoyance wash over him.

"Hyung, are you alright? Your face is red." The singer asked, a look of concern filling his expression.

Namjoon pressed a hand to his face and felt that his cheeks were indeed still warm. He shook his head. "I'm ok."

"Are you sure? You're not sick, are you? Do you need me to call the manager?"

Namjoon was shocked at the sudden change of attitude in the maknae. It was as if nothing happened between them the other day. Taehyung was.. Taehyung. The Taehyung he knew. "You don't have to do that. I'm not sick, I swear." Namjoon exclaimed holding his hands up in surrender.

Taehyung let out a short breath holding his hand to his heart. "That's a relief. I was scared. Please take care of yourself and get enough sleep, hyung. I worry about you. I'll meet with the others ahead." V said backing away and leaving the room casually.

Jungkook shook his head slightly. Namjoon sat staring at the door stunned.



An hour into their practice Namjoon had sprawled out onto the floor with his eyes pinched shut. He'd wanted to just fall asleep right there, but Jimin definitely wasn't going to let him. The mochi grabbed both of Namjoon's arms and proceeded to drag the leader back to the middle of the floor. Namjoon didn't put up a fight and just allowed himself to be pulled back to his demise.

"I'm getting a drink." Yoongi breathed running a hand through his damp hair. Hoseok raised his hand. "Get me one too, please?" He asked. Yoongi turned and raised an eyebrow at the other which Hoseok only received as a 'No.' Hoseok groaned and stood to grab his own. Taehyung leaned against the wall with his elbow resting on his knees and eyes closed taking a breather before they would jump back into another choreography.

Jungkook had left to the bathroom feeling that Namjoon would be alright with Jimin and Jin still there with him. Namjoon sat up and crossed his legs fanning himself of the heat that had built throughout the practice room. His gaze circled around the room till it landed on the singer. His head was leaned back against the wall with his eyes shut gently and lips slightly parted. It looked as if he was napping. Everyone knew how fast V fell asleep. It would be a pain waking him back up though.

Namjoon continued to stare, studying the maknae's features and expressions. Taehyung was truly handsome. He'd never doubted that. It was no wonder so many people around the world wanted him. He seemed so innocent this way. Like a child. Thinking back on the things the dongsaeng had done to him.. it only seemed like a dream. Like none of it ever happened. Seeing V like this would be enough to make anyone call Namjoon crazy had he mentioned to them about those things.

It seemed unlikely.. seemed that way.. but it wasn't..

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open blinking a few times before meeting his leader's gaze. A sweet smile found it's way onto the singer's face. Namjoon stared, finding himself unable to avert his gaze. It was like V was drawing him in with some sort of unseen power. He just returned the smile and finally found himself able to settle his gaze elsewhere when Yoongi came back into the room. He could still feel himself being watched. So subtly. Still feel that beautiful smile directed at him.

Namjoon refused to believe that this Taehyung and the one that violated him was the same person. He refused..

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