Ch 3: Meeting A Bad Boy

Start from the beginning

I was about to respond, But he cut me off adding; "Because frankly, your not going to get by on just your looks." My jaw dropped as he walked off cackling the most sweet, velvety sound I'd ever heard. I'd never had a stranger be so blatantly rude to me. It was very perplexing. Why even offer to help me up if you think I'm so ugly? Without even really thinking, I call back to him as he walks up the stairs, "Sure I don't got looks but at least I'm not a dumbass who pushed a girl down the stairs! Either get a different hobby or go spend some times studying so you're not graduating with next year's freshman class." I huffed, stomping my foot before running into the locker room. 

I couldn't believe I'd stomped my foot, like some 2D character from a novel or something. As I made my way, looking or my locker number, I noticed a group of girls trailing behind me. some of them half dressed. I turn to them, staring at them all. "Can I help you?" 

"Oh my gosh! Do you have any idea what you just did?" One of the older girls asked, standing in a skirt and a bra, who'd obviously stopped while changing. 

"Hmm... fell down half a flight of stairs? Yelled at some stupid kid?" I didn't understand why it was such a big deal. It wasn't like he was the main villain in some high school musical production or something. I had to keep myself from snorting, thinking of the absurdity of us all breaking into dance and song. 

"YES! That! You just back talked Brett!" 

"Is.... that supposed to mean something?" I look back and forth between the girls. there seemed to be more of them and they were encroaching on my personal space. " As in Bad Boy Brett Micheal's!" One of them swooned. "...You're kidding. 'Bad Boy?' Is that an official title now? What the heck am I missing here?" I slid along the wall of lockers, trying to give myself space. It seemed I had the attention of all of the girls in here now. God I'm really starting to hate this school already. "He's cute!" One girl chimed in, at the same time another said flatly, "He's bad news."

 "so what? He pushed me down the stairs and I don't even know you people! Can I just get to my locker?" I tried to push and shove through the crowd. "You should stay away from him, after you apologize." A petite blonde said.

"What? No! I'm not apologizing to him! If anything it should be the other way around." I had already gotten enough attention with the Andy incident, and didn't want anymore. And as if reading my mind, I heard a girl whisper "That's the girl I told you about earlier."

I finally pushed through the crowd and made it to my locker. The girls must have lost interest or something, because most of them didn't follow. Some of them, the ones half dressed, went back to their own lockers.  The little blonde one followed, though. "Well, then if you don't apologies, you'll become a target. He's a bad boy. He's in eleventh grade. But he has mostly ninth grade classes. So there is no doubt you'll see him around." She leaned against my locker. She was speaking like she was reading a weather report. I wasn't sure if she was tone deaf or just messing with me.  I shook my head as if considering, just to get her to go away. It seemed to work, and I got dressed for gym.

I tugged and pulled on my shirt as I exited. Had I gotten the wrong size? the shorts were almost crawling up my butt too. I swear I chose a large, since I like things to fit loosely when I work out. As I come out to see others, I notice that all the girl's uniforms were that way. Tight shirts and shorts, and very short shorts at that. I cross my arms feeling self conscious. Our gym teacher has us running laps, doing sit ups, standard first day stuff. 

then, he blows his whistle as another class of kids come filing into the gym. The TA's start setting up a net. "Volleyball time. number yourselves off." We all begin nubering off, I got a 4. "Find your teams, one's there, two's by me, three's second court, and fours opposite of three."

I swing my arms, loosening them as I made my way to my team. I see a tall head of sandy blonde peeking out. To my surprise, it's Adam. He hadn't knoticed me yet, so I started to sneak up behind him. I tap the back of his head, "Ow! I'm going to fu-" He turned around as he was about to burst. He saw me and a smile spread across his face. "Hey." I smile back,  "Hi."

He looks aorund for a moment, then frowns. "You're on my team, aren't you?" He asked with a sigh. "You say it as if it's a bad thing." I said smiling "Well..." he sounded like he wanted to say more, but didn't.  "I've gotten more athletic since we last played, okay?" I told him, realizing that yes, having me on any sports team truly was a detriment.  He didnt think about ti for too long. He was competitive, but he also didn't like to worry about things too much. "Okay, then you can serve." And with that he moved in front of the serving spot. I sighed as I walked over and took my place.I tossed the ball into the air and hit it over the net, earning our team a point. Adam clapped for half a second and then became serious, ready for the next one. I tried to do exactly what I had done last time, but I hit the ball lop-sided and it went flying into the back of Adam's head with a thump.

"Hey!" He yelled turning back to me. I just shrugged my shoulders as if to say 'Wadda ya gunna do?'


Yes! Another chapter edited! Please, ignore the chapter update. Or not! Perhaps I've rekindled and old flame, an old love for my book and you just can't resist re-reading? By all means, do!

This chapter, like the others was mostly spelling checks and elaborating. 

-well, ttfn! 


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