Chapter 65: Get the code right

Start from the beginning

     I practically had to run to the cafeteria to be able to make it in time because my grumbling stomach won't just let me be. Finally settling for a yoghurt and donut, I sat at my usual spot, beside the not so popular kids otherwise called losers( Not like I care tho) and finished my lunch. I still had creative arts and French to catch up with before I finally call it a day (Easy right? Trust me you would have fainted if you were in my situation).

   One of this times I really need a Rose in my life. Yeah I mean Rose the director's daughter who freaking broke my nose in seventh grade. Apart from the fact that I am the top student, I always escaped being late to class whenever I was with her. She is feared as the Director's witch daughter or witch or witch Director's daughter. Either ways, she's still a witch. Yeah rumors don't lie

         Thankfully, I spotted jenny in the hallway, getting ready to go home. She had her bag slung across her shoulder as she moved majestically like the queen bee she is. I had to yell her name for her to wait up so I could catch up with her.

     “Hey Jen wait up ”i cried as I ran towards her direction. She must have felt embarrassed because all she did was roll her eyes and keep walking. Luckily enough she didn't walk faster so I didn't have to hop like a frog to catch up with her.

         “You're crazy ”I said as I walked side by side with her, panting like a dog.

        “Why did you chose this day of all day to embarrass me? ”She snorted, rolling her eyes once again.

          “What are you talking about? ”I feigned innocence

        “Arrrgh. Just kill me already ”She groaned, opening the door and getting out. Thankfully enough, I didn't bring my car so I wouldn't be minding a ride from her. Of course am going over to her house to discuss some unfinished business. (Am sorry mom I won't be late)



   “i would have really preferred hearing it from you instead of her” I confessed. We were now at her house, at her living room to be precise and I made sure she confessed everything she knew from genesis to revelation.

       It all had been a game and Brianna was the main suspect. Actually when she was pregnant for Nathan, he refused to accept it telling her to either abort it or transfer to another school. Bri being who she was declined especially with the help of her friend (who turned out to be jenny) who was so completely in support of her friend.

      The threats became unbearable and she decided to inform the police. Then she was hit by a truck and died instantly. That spoke in volumes. I still didn't understand why they called me or involved me of all people to help them.

     Maybe its because Rose thinks I'll be easy to control or for another entire reason which isn't related. Anyways what's left now is to break into his house tomorrow and find out what he is hiding.

   “so heres the plan. ”She said, pointing to a location on the map. “ You enter through the front door. Yes Mrs skeptar the maid works for us. We only have one bodyguard in the house. Be rest assured he is the best of all. His name is j 4 from Korea. He used to work In a military camp and had fought many battles. There is a slim chance of going in uncaught tho. Upon all the plans, I almost got caught too so be careful. Here's the map. Nathans room is right here. However there are CCTVs of course watching you. J4 Will switch off the house power supply while you enter. The safe has laser beams and a strong code controlling it. You know what happens when you enter three incorrect passwords. J 4 can only be able to keep the lights off for three minutes. When it goes off, the doors automatically locks which will prevent anyone from seeing you. Only for three minutes tho. Make sure you ain't sloppy at all. After three minutes, the light goes back on. The bodyguards will rush to Nathan's  room since it is the chest of the house. You will then enter the closet and press a button on his wardrobe. That will lead to a secret passageway that you will take outside. There is a slim chance of surviving tho but it is worth a try. Are you sure you still want to do it ”

        I  smiled at the tempting offer and rubbed my hands together. Ok let's do this.

        “I will. ” I replied more determined than ever.

     I might not have been able to find out if the girls were truly his however I was able to get a clue on how to get the password.


       Did that just happen? Wooah. Just wooah I can't believe it.

        Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and following me. Happy 50 followers and 500 reads.


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