66. Haunt You Every Day

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Today I'd decided to work in the clinic today. Today just so happened to be Halloween as well. I'd carved a pumpkin. Once I changed this morning I'd told my interns what they were doing before going to the clinic. I was currently the only one. "Are you the doctors?" I heard a man ask me and Bailey seeming as we were the only ones there.

"Oh, we are." Bailey said to him, we both looked at him.

"Good. That's- -that's good." He said to us, his leg was shaking quite a lot.

"Is everything okay with your leg?" I asked him while looking between him and Bailey.

"It's- -it's not the leg. It's the foot. And- -and it's not hurting so much as- -as it's not mine. Something happened I-I can't explain it. But this- -this foot does not belong to me. It's- -it's...it...it- -it feels like it's a corpse foot." He said to us, this was extremely confusing. Was this some sort of Halloween trick or something?

"Oh, did you lose feeling in the foot? Is it numb?" Bailey asked him trying to find out what was causing this.

"No, it's- -it's not numb. It's just...it's not mine. Please, I'm- -I'm not crazy. I-I work at a bank. I'm not crazy. Please. I just- -I-I need a surgeon. I need you to get new surgeon who will remove it." He said to us, he was officially the weirdest person I'd ever met in my life.

"A surgeon who will remove your foot? A surgeon who will amputate your seemingly healthy foot?" Bailey asked him, he just nodded at us. Bailey looked down at the files. We took him to a bed to do a proper consult. We also paged psych down to talk to them.

"Body dysmorphic disorder?" I asked him, making sure I was hearing this right.

"You can prescribe him some anti anxiety meds to try to lessen the urgency he's falling." He said to us, but he's not hearing what we're saying exactly.

"The man is requesting an amputation, and the best you can come up with is anti anxiety meds?" Bailey asked the psych consult but he walked out without answering us.

"Dr. Bailey, Dr. Y/l/n." A nurse said getting our attention Bailey and I turned around to look at her.

"Chain saw contest time?" Bailey asked happily, she'd told me all about this.

"Yep." The nurse simply replied back, me and Bailey walked over to Mr. Miller.

"Mr. Miller. We need to head to the E.R. but we're going to write you a prescription for some medication that we think might just help you." I said to him as Bailey was writing it up.

"Medication? I need- -I-I need a surgeon. A surgeon can take off the foot. Get me a surgeon!" He said to us.

"We are surgeons, and I can tell you right now that you won't persuade us or any other surgeon to do what you're asking. Please try this medication." Bailey said before proceeding it to hand it to him, we then walked out. We went to E.R. and looked at the mess. We helped out this guy who was telling us about how awesome his pumpkin was.

"It was awesome. It was the sickest pumpkin head you ever saw." He said to us, we both hummed in response. "And then the next thing you know, it's, like, blood gushing, and it totally stained my pumpkin head." He added.

"You don't say?" Bailey asked him rhetorically.

"Made it even sicker, though. I brought it in- -the digit." He said to us.

"Oh, so do you have the finger with you?" I asked him while Bailey was cleaning the wound.

"Yeah, but it's, like, lodged in the chain saw. Wait. It was right here. Who took my saw?" He said while looking his chain saw.

"What- -sir, the cut isn't clean enough to consider re- -" Bailey said before he started shouting.

"Yo, who took my saw?" He shouted, we started hearing electronic whirring from behind us.

"Oh...oh, no." Me and Bailey said before running over in the direction that the noise was coming from. When we got there, Cristina and Norman where there as well. But Mr. Miller was amputating his foot, he was screaming in the whole time. Whilst we were getting splattered with his blood.

"Dude! Sick!" Me and Bailey's patient said, we both looked at him. We managed to stop Mr. Miller but it was too late. We paged Mark and Callie to check him all out before cleaning ourselves up and checking in with them.

"The tibial nerve is shot. Theres nothing salvageable here." Mark said while looking at the foot.

"Completely mangled. I can't believe he held that saw to his long enough- -was he high?" Callie said before asking me and Bailey.

"No, we just gave him some morphine for the pain. But the tox screen was clean before that." Bailey said to her.

"Unbelievable. All right, I'll finish the job. Yang, go ahead and prep him for complete amputation." Callie said to Cristina, I was glad that it wasn't me prepping him. It just meant more time to see more sights in the E.R.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Mr. Miller said, I'd noticed that Norman wasn't looking too god.

"Norman, are you good?" I asked him concernedly.

"Hmm? Oh, severed limbs don't sit well with me. Just a little queasy is all. But I'm fine. I'll help Dr. Yang." He said while leaving the room me and Bailey followed shortly behind him. There was a guy who needed stitches so I attended to it whilst Bailey went to do paperwork. After I'd finished I went to go and help out with it. There was a lot to get through. I decided to skip out on lunch along with Bailey so we could get through all of this.

"Are you sure that you don't want to eat lunch with your friends?" She asked me reassuringly.

"No, I want to stay here and help you with this mountain we have here." I said to her with a smile.

"This is why you were my favorite intern, you never asked for anything and nobody ever had to tell you to do something. You always knew what to do and you don't care about what you have to miss out in order to get something done. Now that's a great surgeon in the making." Bailey said to me while writing down.

"Thank you, my parents always raised me, my sister and my big brother to be like this." I said to her.

"What about your two younger brothers?" She asked me.

"One of my youngest brothers, Neil, he suffers from autism so my parents decided that he would never be a good surgeon. He's 17, smarter than me and already has his future planned out. He's headed to Harvard to be a scientist of some kind. Then my 15 year brother, Ryan, he's deaf. Always has been since he was born. My parents thought, not everyone will spend the time learning sign language, so he was raised differently." I said to her while finishing one sheet.

"I had no idea that your parents treated your siblings that way." Bailey said to me.

"It was mainly my step-grandmas idea. She's the judge on everything." I said to her, time passed and we got the paperwork done along with seeing a few other patients. When I got home I started a horror movie marathon and fell alarm while watching the last Friday the 13th movie that had come out.

New Perspective // Grey's Anatomy // [Book 1 of Grey's Series] (COMPLETED) ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα