55. My Favorite Mistake

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"Take a couple hours and think about it." Mark told her.

"Couple hours, yeah." Jane told Mark. We exited the room and walked in the hall and saw Webber.

"Dr. Bailey." Webber said to her as we stopped.

"Chief, Jane Doe's getting a new face today." Bailey informed Webber, good for her.

"Well, that's exciting. How are you doing, Mer. You didn't take to much time off after- -" Webber was telling Mer before she cut him off.

"I'm fine, sir. Really. I think working's the best thing I can do." She told him in response.

"Like mother, like daughter, huh?" Webber said, Mark walked over to us.

"Dr. Grey, what can you tell me about reconstructive orbital floor?" He asked her, I looked at Mer.

"Uh, you can create a new base from the eye socket by harvesting bone from the skull." She said back to him.

"Dr. Bailey, Dr. Grey will be scrubbing in on the Jane Doe case. Come on, I'll show you how to do it without breaking the bone graft into a million pieces." Mark said to her before they both walked off.

"Congratulations, Dr. Grey." Webber told them as they walked away.

"Come on, lets go people." Bailey told us, when we walked past the nurses station where Callie was she stopped us.

"Wait, wait, wait, I need to talk to you." Callie told us, what was happening.

"Why?" Iz asked her.

"To prepare you guys for what you're about to see." Callie told us, was it actually that bad.

"You meant- -you meant 'you' like 'us', not 'me'. You don't- -You don't want to talk to me. You wanna talk to us, about a pat- -about a patient." Iz said stammering, there was something seriously up with her today.

"That what I just said. This patient has a disease so rare that you'll probably never see it again- -FOP." Callie told us, I'd never seen anyone with it before.

"Oh, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva." I said while looking at her.

"Uh, yeah. It's a skeletal disease. It turns muscle into bone, it turns you into a human statue. So just try to learn and not to stare. Ok?" Callie told us, we all nodded before we walked into the room. I spotted a doll house in the room. What was the story behind that.

"If you people are interns, you need to stand back." The daughter told us. What did she think we were going to do. I spied the chart and saw that the patients name was Cathy, it's a nice name.

"Nina, please don't be rude." Cathy told her daughter.

"My mother still has movement in her face and hands. I'd like to keep it that way, so, please be careful. You press to hard during an exam or bump into her accidentally it causes a bone to grow where a bone shouldn't grow. So there can be no accidents." Nina told us, we would do our very best to make sure that there weren't any.

"Ok, remember that when you're dealing with her today." Callie told us, I took a mental note of that.

"It's just a stomach virus or the flu. I'm sure it's nothing. Nina insisted that I come in- -" Cathy started but her daughter interrupted her.

"She was vomiting blood. And going through her pain meds like they were candy. And she has new growths, on her back. No doubt caused by come clumsy interns on her last hospital stay." Nina said, it's not the interns fault at the end of that day so she shouldn't really be blaming them yet.

New Perspective // Grey's Anatomy // [Book 1 of Grey's Series] (COMPLETED) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ