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grounded...again. same old shit and nothing new. when would he learn? anytime soon...?


saturday - 11:56am

"you must really think you can do whatever you want!" Lathan listened to his mother rant to him, again, about the same thing since he came home. He kept his head down as she continued to scold, not in shame, just in annoyance. He didn't care that he had been caught yet again since it wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last.

"Are you even listening? I hate to have to yell at you but sometimes I feel..." He tuned out her endless babbling, twirling the large shirt he still held, thoughts of Jason creeping up in the back of his mind. A small smile taking over his lips.

"Is this funny to you, Lathan?" she snapped, making him shoot his head up to meet her gaze. "No..." he mumbled trailing his eyes back to his lap, wishing she would just get to the point, even though she already had. His mother sighed, standing in front of him and crossing her arms.

"Go to your room, you're grounded."

She said, those words meaning virtually nothing to him as he had heard them countless times before. Maybe that's a sign, but who cares. He thought, standing up from the couch and walking in the direction of his room. His mother stopped him, holding her hand out.


"Your phone." was all she said, waiting for her son to comply and hand it over. But instead, she got a sour expression and an attitude. "What do you need my phone for?" A nasty tone leaving his lips as he held the phone in his hands tighter.

"You're grounded, so you can't have it." Her words coming out serious, which Lathan never really payed attention to, but this time seemed different. He went to open his mouth, but she quickly shut him down.

"Don't argue with me, go to your room." She gritted, taking the boy's phone from his grasp and pointing towards the hallway. Lathan visibly rolled his eyes and turned away, stomping all the way to his room and slamming the door.

He was pissed, but he had no right to be.

He flopped backwards on his bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering how long he would be grounded this time. This time, isn't that funny? Last time was only two weeks... He thought for a bit, watching the ceiling fan spin constantly. His thoughts slowly twisted, drifting off to a familiar place causing a small smile to creep up across his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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